Chapter Seventeen

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My heart hurt in my chest and my body was still reeling from the pleasure it had felt after being denied was confusing me. There was a minute when I felt confident about my feelings for Caiden and what we were doing.

But, the sick feeling twisting in my gut only worsened as I tried to think about it, try to understand it.

Holten's arms come around my body and without a word or explanation from me, he bends down, swoops me up bridal style, and carries me inside.

Without so much as a single word to anybody in the room, Holten carries me up the back staircase leaving shouts, questions, and confused stares behind.


Chapter Seventeen

My eyes flutter open and the first thing I notice is how quiet it is in this room.

Normally sleeping next to or with Samson in the room I would usually hear some barking or wake up to his dreams, barking and sometimes growling.

Only when I come to, I didn't hear any of that.

I could hear a quiet constant thrum through the floor and feel a slight thump in my body from the resounding bass of the music Marley was playing downstairs but in this room.

But, it was quiet.

What I could hear prominently was deep even breathing almost right beside my right ear.

I turn my head slowly and notice, the little lights hung around the room were on, and not the overhead light.

I then focus on the male body breathing deeply beside me, seeming to be asleep and I am met with back. A shirtless dark tan back, the curve in the back deep. The muscles on the unknown male's back rippled with tension as he lifts his arms up underneath him and repositions himself.

I sat up slowly and very quietly as the man turns his head to reveal Holten's peacefully sleeping face and he settles on the pillow, his leg probably slung over the side of the bed with how much space he gave me on the bed.

Holten's dark eyebrows were thick, his nose medium, his lips were not plum, but not thin either, his cheekbones and jawlines could cut but also seemed gentle to the touch.

For some reason, I yearned to reach out and run my fingertips along his skin, feeling the soft smooth skin and running my fingers into his neck-length long dark hair.

I was telling myself not to, but all the while my nerves were shot to shit as my hands start to shake and my heart picks up speed at a wild speed.

As much as I told myself not to, I reach forward and run my fingers ever so gently through Holtns locks and almost let out a gasp.

His hair was really soft.

I then bring my hand down to trace along the side of his face that was available for me to touch, my eyes staring transfixed at the paths my fingers were making.

Around the forehead, down the side, cup the jaw, and back again, I lean forward suddenly getting brave, tracing my finger on Holten's lips.

I bring my bottom lip in between my teeth, my arms and legs tingling as my heart pounds in my chest. I bring my hands out, let the blanket fall off my body, and lean forwards while on my hands all the way down to hover over Holten's face.

Holten's sleeping face, looked so at east, so worry-free. I had a sudden feeling of never wanting to see the look of jealousy in his eyes.

He was too caring for that, he was too sweet.

I remember everything earlier. Holten had been there, and somehow knew exactly what I needed. To be upstairs where I cried and cried and fell asleep next to Holten.

I take a breath in before deciding on what I wanted to do.

Holten was the exact definition of a sex god, he had a heart the size of the universe, and who doesn't love a good dark-haired green-eyed man to come to sweep you off your feet?

Whereas Caiden. I don't even really know.

Did I ever know?

Is whatever we have worth everything I'm doing to Marley, to myself?

I loved Marley, I chose her so many times, and I knew what I was doing was wrong. But for once, I want to be selfish.

Marley drove every man away and I just let her, I'm half at fault but she's also at fault for shoving her way into my path every time.

They all chose her, and granted I chose to shut up but she manipulated everything into place. She is the one who chased after them after they made it clear they liked me.

The next week or two I would see Marley hanging off the guy I had just told her about and we swooned at looking over his profile pictures.

It was always the same.

For once, this one is willing to push back and accept me, want me.

For once, I want what I want.

Is that wrong of me to want? Yeah, I know. It's wrong of me to do this.

But how do I let go of someone who tugs at my heart and body every second?

Caiden is so different than Holten.

Caiden is a tall, not too muscular but almost lengthy man. He was tall, he had the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen, not even Marley could compare. He had a heart that was big and I know in a way he cared for me.

But, Caiden was also ego-driven. The way he possessively grabbed me, yanked me back to the wall, and made me come undone right on his hand? He was taking ownership. But I'm not a piece of property first of all.

But why does a part of me like that?

The way Caiden would grab me and almost make me his, make me vulnerable underneath him and give in to him.

Why does that even now as I am thinking of Holten gives me shivers that seem to go through my body?

I shake my head and rid myself of the overwhelming thoughts and concentrate on what I was doing.

I lean forward and press my full lips to Holten's half-turned lips.

I felt Holten instantly respond by picking up his hands, and placing them on my shoulders before I knew what was happening. My body was moving.

Before I could utter a word and only emitted a slight gasp as the action was unexpected, Holten had gripped my shoulders so tight and flipped us over so he was hovering over me with his arms pinning my hands above my face.

After a split moment of landing in that position, I started to squirm uncomfortably and try to wriggle my arms free.

Holten heat emanated from his body and made me curl my hands into fists on his chest, half ready to push him away, half ready to pull him closer.

There was a tingle that spread wide and covered my entire body, delicious heat licked my entire body but it wasn't a crazed fiery heat. It was the kind of heat that made your toes curl, a moan to slip out before anything even happens and makes you come undone right then and there.

There was something so personal, so intimate about our positions and the feelings that were pouring throughout my body.


"We need to talk about what happened. But right now, I don't want to talk. I just want you." Holten whispers hoarsely.

Our eyes meet, his light emerald green eyes truck into my equally green emerald eyes, only mine were a few shades darker.

Without another word Holten leans forward and seals our lips in a kiss, letting go of my wrists above my head to bring his hands down to cup my waist and cheek.

I respond to the kiss throwing my arms around Holten's neck as the tingles intensify.

What the hell am I going to do now?

Fall For You ~ Hearts Intertwined Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now