Chapter Eleven

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I instantly reach for the cork and pull finding it easy to pop and realize my parents had already dipped into it.

I lift my shoulders shrugging it off, it was theirs before they gave it to me after all, and bring the bottle to my lips, tipping it back and welcoming its sweet taste.

I only take a small sip as my parents had left this bottle of wine only a little over halfway full and walk casually to my bed.

When I reach my bed, I swirl around and collapse sitting up, before putting my wine bottle down beside my phone, but before I could do anything else, the door to my attic bedroom flies open.


Chapter Eleven 

"What the" I mutter under my breath and go to tense my body up in fear, but stop once I saw who barged through my door. 

 Caiden in a different color t-shirt than the one I had seen him in previously stood at the door to my attic bedroom, my eyes instantly widen, and my breath catches in my throat as I sit on the side of my bed, facing him. 

The t-shirt Caiden is wearing is now black and had a little bit of white stitched around his collar. He had on the same baggy sweatpants, and black socks adorning his feet. 

"I told you I would come to get you if you wouldn't come down." Caiden says as he closes the door, his bright blue eyes staring intensely at me, I could feel something close to a rope feeling tugging me in his direction of him. 

Not able to look away, I sit rigid and tense for a whole different reason other than fear, desire and want, the obvious tension in our stares sends a shiver down my spine. Caiden catches the shiver and his nostrils flare, his whole aura changing. 

Caiden came in here reeking of power and passion, but now something within him has completely flipped, the only thing coming off him was pure sex and dominance. 

Desire slams into me, soaring through my body and I bring my bottom lip between my teeth, kneading it in frustration and confusion. 

I wanted to lose control, and give in to a sudden need, a want of him that took a hold of me and kept me rooted on the spot, my body went crazy rigid with tension as Caiden breaks our staring trance and begins to walk toward me. 

I swallow and tilt my head as Caiden walks right in between my legs, bringing his large hands around my face, framing my cheeks, and tightly gripping my jaw. Thankfully my bed wasn't a short bed and had a relatively tall bedframe and a thick mattress, my face came up to the bottom of his throat, a least a lot taller than most.

My heart begins to accelerate, not beyond concern levels, but just enough to make my breath berated, my breathing heavy and erratic as Caiden practically shoves my legs apart with his own, and claims my lips on the spot. 

I had no time for objection as Caidens hands jerked my head forward taking control of my upper body, my entire body becoming useless for a split moment as momentary shock flew over me. I was not expecting that kind of response. 

I stay on the bed, not leaning away, but I pulled my head away momentarily taking back control, "Caiden, wait..." Control is gone as my lips are claimed once again back on Caidens lips as he pushes past the small gap I put between our lips.

Fall For You ~ Hearts Intertwined Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now