Chapter Twenty-Six

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"You could never be mine." Caiden says, snapping me back to reality.

With all the strength I could muster, I yank my face away from Caiden, unwind myself from within his arms and walk around him.

I grab the bags I had brought on this summer getaway and walk out of the room with a happily confused Samson wagging his tail and following me down the stairs.

Chapter Twenty-Six

I walk down the stairs only to see Holten waiting not halfway down them, on the second-floor landing.

"How much of that did you hear?" I ask sheepishly.

"All of it, but I told you, regardless of my feelings, your feelings also matter. I care for you, I like you a hell of a lot Trainwreck, but you don't have to worry, we're not dating or anything so it's okay, you have nothing to worry about as far as hurting me." Holten says melting my heart instantly, I smile up at him.

"This is all a mess and so hard to make sense of. " I say, losing my smile and hanging my head sadly, my mind racing.

"It's okay Trainwreck, I'm not worried, and as much as it stings to see and hear that, I do things with you too, it's not like I'm missing out." Holten shrugs nonchalantly, but the corners of his lips tug upwards.

He reaches out his hands as he stands a step down, he was the perfect height for me to kiss him, without him having to slightly bend down or for me to stand on my tiptoes.

Holten's wraps his fingers around my hips, the tips digging in and jerking me forwards to capture my lips in his swiftly, with so much force and passion, it almost had me doubling over.

Holten's aura went from carefree and humorous, to a darker more prominent aura reeking of sex and desire, his light green eyes a couple of shades darker, as he pulls away, "There will most definitely be plenty more of that where that came from, we have the time now Trainwreck, we have all the time in the wold." He whispers out, but because of how thick it ran with emotions and desire, it came out as a deep hoarse growl.

I wasn't expecting it, and neither was my body as it gave a surprised and responsive jolt, my whole body came alive, every never-ending completely electrifying me as it instantly travels down to my core.

"I don't understand why you like me Holten but I appreciate you so much, well let's get to the treehouse I rented us for a few days!" I yell, somehow now overcome with the excited giggles and butterflies flying wildly in my stomach.

Holten's lips turn up into a smile and he turns to the side holding out his hand, "Ladies first." He says.


It took a while to get to the treehouse, but once we did, we were in awe.

Samson had already run along across the bright white bridge connecting to the tree house, a massive tree sprouting out of the middle of the dark brown and quite large treehouse.

"You weren't kidding, this place...Really is beautiful." Holten says in awe, his eyes wandering the surrounding area as he crosses the bridge ahead of me, he clutches his suitcases.

I smile and grip the bags holding my entire stash of clothing. This Rent-A-Room Treehouse has many floors, but the thick tree was the stairs in the treehouse leading up in a spiral way.

The bottom floor was a rest area for travelers throughout the surrounding thick wooded area, and the touchpad along with the card slot, since I had rented a room online I didn't need to do that, and there was a digital sign posted outside the door for travelers, as well online that this treehouse has been rented for the remaining four days.

It was a fairly large cabin house-looking building just with a giant tree sitting right through the middle, protruding through the roof and sprouting out into the long branches.

There were a lot of pictures, and reviews from other people that had stayed, the first bottom floor was like as said rest area, then the next floor is a lounge area, with a porch and an inside mini bar for the twenty-one plus's that rent the treehouse.

The porch is a drop off if chosen, a jumping place to jump directly into the pool down on the ground directly below, inside the porch. The pool was well over ten feet on the deep end and there only two feet of shallow three feet of water, then a ladder to climb out of and into.

There was a large campfire pit beside, but it is mostly turned off, due to there being a large fireplace inside on the lounge floor that most use instead.

The next floor up is the kitchen area, the kitchen appliances such as the oven, microwave, sink, fridge, and freezer are in the surrounding areas in the room, with the stairs directly in the middle of that side of the room.

On the other side of the room, a large portion of free space was dedicated to the dining table and double back doors along with a nice second-floor porch and chairs.

Directly across from the double doors to the right of the room is a door to the bathroom, as well as a food pantry at the end of the room, all the way to the end, turning left is all guest essentials you could ever ask for. It gets restocked every month, as well as the fridge and freezer are restocked every month as well.

The next floor above that is the bedroom for people who rent the treehouse, along with revolving large windows that go above, the whole windows open to a large deck. There is a small hallway to the left of the room that is the bathroom, consisting of the sink, toilet, and shower, and in the middle of the bedroom are the stairs.

On the very top and last level of the treehouse, you have the roof. Which is made up of an outside canopy chill lounge area, with bean bags, fluffy chairs, and candles set up everywhere for extra light.

The whole place seemed like something out of a fairytale but I sure as hell wasn't passing up a chance at this.

"Are you happy you came along?" I tease, pulling my bags behind me, letting a smile sweep across my face as I walk along the bridge trying to catch up after getting lost in my thoughts for a split moment.

"Am I happy I-Raven, I am beyond thrilled and ecstatic to be here, to be able to come to this place, with you." Holten says, out of breath walking up to me swiftly and cupping both sides of my face in his hands.

"I think I really would go anywhere with you Trainwreck." He leans forward, kissing me without hesitation, letting go of my face to run down my arms slowly, his fingers trailing down my sides and gripping my hips, pulling me flush against him.

My bags are forgotten as they get jerked out of my hands, I throw my arms around Holten's neck, overcome with a completely euphoric sense of life, suddenly high without actually smoking.

We laugh together and stay in our little bubble for a few more moments, and then travel inside to see the inside of our "home" for the next few days. 

Fall For You ~ Hearts Intertwined Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now