Chapter Eight

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A/N; There are many spelling and grammar mistakes as this is mostly unedited and I am currently in the process of rewriting this book.



"Ravenlyn." Caiden softly groans, bringing me back to the present.

Caiden's hands were on my waist, gripping me tightly, my hands in his hair. My hips rolled instinctively into his by the sheer desire along with the Mudslide shooting through my veins making me do careless things.

The name that Caiden gave me that night, brought on shivers that rack my body and I lose control.

How am I going to recover from this night? 


Chapter Eight

"Say it again." I plead, my lips parted and we breathe heavily, our breaths mingling together and hang suspended in the air.

"Ravenlyn, just kiss me." Caiden whispers, almost whiplashing me back to that night. 

How I have wanted him to say the name he called me all months ago again. The yearn to feel his hands, hear his voice, look into his bright blue eyes and hear the erratic beat of his heart. 

It thumped just as wildly as mine does now, my hands coming up to rest flat against his chest. 

"Why did you never come back?" I ask, I hide nothing in my eyes, letting the desire and longing for him show. 

I couldn't hold anything back at the moment, everything was out in the open.

Caiden leans away to shakily run his fingers through his blonde ruffles.

"I'm sorry, I got a call from my mom. My little sister had run away from home after a fight with my parents, I wish I had time to explain, but it was either explain and miss the chance to find her or take off and go look." Caiden says slowly after a moment's pause. 

Caiden and I met at a bar about four or five months ago, flirted for hours, playing pool, darts and just chatting. We had an instant connection that sizzled and sparkled as the night went on and once we got to the hotel room. 

We had sex, over and over and over. It was over a duration of six or so hours, our time flying into the early hours of the morning, he had gone outside for his cell phone he forgot and never returned. He was supposed to, but when he never came back through the door, I thought that was it. 

He had left because he was uninterested and needed a quick escape route. I had wanted more than just one night with him, I wanted to actually go on a date, but my heart seized in my chest and I was somehow really disappointed and almost heartbroken. 

I thought within those few hours we spent together, that we had a connection, and I had discovered the man I had been sleeping with, just upped and fled. 

But, now I know he didn't flee, he had apparently gotten a call from his mother about his runaway teen sister and decided to go look for her first than risk not being able to look for her right off. 

Instead of choosing words, I let out a small noise of exasperation as the moment takes over me, my arms wound around Caidens neck and in return his hands come around to clamp tightly over my hips, pulling me forward. 

Our lips meet in a slow but powerful kiss, our lips move at a slow pace that picks up momentum, but not going too fast just enjoying the feel of our being close to one another.

Fall For You ~ Hearts Intertwined Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now