Black Family Shenanigans & Azkaban Breakouts-The Wedding (Part One)

Start from the beginning


Sirius kept his eyes on the Malfoy brat. How dare he try to break tradition! Their ancestors must be rolling in their graves at the very thought.
"Sirius, please blink. You're giving me the creeps." Remy said from his side and he blinked one eye before doing the other. Just to be sure little Malfoy didn't escape.
"Ugh, did you just wink at me? I can't wait to tell Harry his godfather is an old pervert." Draco announced and Sirius lunged forward before catching himself. He gave him a crazed smile before saying "my apologies, force of habit. I just want to welcome you into the family,-" he took a deep breath "son." Draco gave him a horrified look before hissing to Remus "I think he's finally gone bonkers. Did you hear what he just called me?" He didn't change his expression but inside he was dancing with glee. He had been trying to figure out just how he was going to approach Malfoy when he went from Harry's annoying boyfriend to Harry's annoying husband. He decided the best way to deal with the brat was to treat him how he treated Harry. It would make his sweet godson happy and freak baby Malfoy out. The best part was he couldn't even complain about it! Sirius was simply treating him like a valued family member.
"Lord Black, please do not ever call me son again. I think my life just flashed before my eyes." He begged and Sirius just beamed.
"Don't be like that, boy! We're all family here." Remy was rolling his eyes but Sirius ignored him. He heard a rustle before one of the windows shattered and a face he hadn't seen in years grinned at him, looking like something that crawled from the pits of Hell.
"Why hello, Cousin Sirius!" Bellatrix said as she wiggled through the broken glass.
"Hi, Sirius! Sorry about the mess. You know how Bella is." Barty babbled as he helped an old man in.
"What are you doing here?" He cried out and Bella ignored him as she headed straight for the bathroom.
"Harry invited us to the wedding! We couldn't miss it, of course." Barty explained and the old man locked eyes with Draco.
"Hello, Grandson. Come give Grandfather a kiss." Draco sighed but stood up and kissed the old man's cheek.
"You look dashing! Harry is a lucky boy." The old man laughed before sitting down.
"Thank you, Grandfather." Sirius knew Lucius's Father was dead, good riddance but he didn't know who this man was?
"Oh, this is Grandfather Gellert. He traveled all the way from Germany." Draco told them and Sirius cocked his head to the side. His name sounded familiar but he couldn't quite place where he had heard it from. Bella came strutting out and she had washed up. She looked like a new person with her hair pinned up. She was wearing a puffy black dress with layers down to her knees.
"Did you miss me, Cousin Sirius? Be honest!" She demanded and he quickly said "no! You used to give me nightmares, Bella!" He confessed and she snorted.
"It was because you were a cry baby!" His mouth fell open before he defended himself.
"A crybaby? You would tell me horror stories from your cell right before bedtime!" He snatched Draco's arm as he tried sneaking past him and pushed the younger boy into his chair.
"I was just talking about our childhood!"


Narcissa dashed into the room, Lucius at her heels.
"What exactly is going on here?" She asked, her hands on her hips. Bella was holding Sirius down and a glob of spit was on his face as he tried to buck her off.
"Cissy! Help me. Bella is being mean again!" He begged and she took a deep breath before rolling her sleeves up. She launched herself at her older sister and Sirius quickly scrambled out of the way.
"No fair, Cissy! It isn't your birthday." Bella whined as they rolled around the floor.
"Get her, Cissy! Tear her face off!" Lucius was shouting encouragements from the doorway.
"Shut up, Malfoy! Don't talk to my sister like that." Bella yelled back and Cissy took the opportunity to pinch her sides.
"No pinching!" She howled and Narcissa heard a vase shatter as they wrestled. Some coughed and they both froze as Andy came into the room.
"Girls, you will ruin your dresses. Get up. Now." She said calmly and Bella helped her up before they straightened themselves. They shared a look before turning back to Andy.
"It was Sirius's fault, Sister!" Cissy wasn't going to get on Andy's shit list, not today.
"Yeah, Andy! I was just joking with him but you know Sirius. He can't take a joke." Bella sighed.
"I think he was just trying to pit us against each other." Narcissa made sure to give a watery sniff and let Bella pat her on the shoulder.
"Can you believe it? On Itty Bitty Harry's Bonding Day!" Sirius looked floored as he stood up.
"That's not true, Andy! They're lying." He pointed his finger at them, his face scrunched up.
"And now he's calling us liars! Where is the justice?" Narcissa widened her eyes and Andy reached over before twisting Sirius's ear. She felt a moment of satisfaction before Andy bashed her head against Bella's.
"Everyone will behave or else!" She threatened before walking out. Once she was sure the coast was clear, she scowled at everyone.
"Fight your own battles next time, Siri!" She spat out and he stuck his tongue out at her.
"I will! You didn't help at all!" They both sat down in a huff before she spotted her son. Her dragon looked handsome, like a fairytale prince. She wrapped her arms around him and just held him for a moment. It seemed like just yesterday he was running around the manor freeing their House Elves and now her big boy was all grown up.
"I'm nervous, Mother." He whispered in her ear and she cupped his face.
"Don't be, darling. Harry is waiting for you."

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