In the afternoon, Lu Linxi received a call from Tang Yinan and wanted to ask her to meet.

Lu Linxi agreed. When he arrived at the restaurant, Tang Yineng had already ordered the meal. "I ordered your favorite food. Eat it while it's hot."

Lu Linxi measured her figure. I haven't seen you for two months. I instantly recovered from my figure, which gained three times because of my fetus.

Tang Yinong's perseverance is really amazing.

Lu Linxi looked at her as she picked up vegetables, "Your play is over?"

Tang Yi nodded warmly, "It's over."

Lu Linxi guessed that she should have been talking about Zhang Haichuan when she was looking for herself, so she didn't take the initiative to speak and ate vegetables silently.

Tang Yinan stopped chopsticks after eating three points. In order to quickly recover her figure, she used diet. If she eat too much, she would rebound, so she should strictly control her diet.

She put down her chopsticks and looked at Lin Xi, "I went home last night and asked him what was going on. He told me everything.

Lu Linxi listened quietly and did not express any opinion.

"When I was in confinement before, I vaguely noticed something was wrong. He is always nonsense, grumpy and throws things. At first, I thought I became too fat after giving birth to a child, and he lost interest in me. Or the child always cries and quarrels with him. I didn't expect it to be because of the failure of the investment. Tang Yinan sighed, "He didn't tell me the medicine. For the past two months when I was not at home, he knocked his head on the wall cramanely. He was shocked by his eldest son.

Lu Linxi opened his mouth and looked at her in surprise. He couldn't help guessing, "Isn't he mentally wrong?"

I heard that some people can't stand the blow and have suicidal tendencies. Zhang Haichuan has been smooth for the first half of his life, and his stress resistance is definitely not good.

Tang Yinong also felt something was wrong. "I took him to the hospital for a check-up in the morning. The result will be released tomorrow. This is quite surprising.

Lu Linxi noticed that she was depressed and took her hand, "Don't worry, everything will be fine. At least he still has domestic assets, so that he won't lose all his money. You enlighten him well and don't let him drill at the tip of the horns."

Tang Yi nodded warmly, "I will. Thank you, Xiao Xi."

Lu Linxi laughed and said, "Thank you for me. I didn't help either."

Tang Yinan shook her head and said, "It's not true. Thank you for reminding me before not to be a housewife. If I really withdraw from the circle, he loses money in investment, and the family has no financial resources, the child will definitely suffer from me. He is so young that he should not be wronged.

After so many years in this circle, no one understands how difficult it is to return to the entertainment industry than Tang Yinan. It is estimated that all the fans who saved easily were far away from her, and it was very difficult to pick them up again.

Lu Linxi smiled and said, "But I can't afford to thank you. I just remind you that you made your own choice. Isn't there an old saying? It's hard to persuade the damn ghost. You took my advice, so you didn't have no way out.

Tang Yinan nodded with a smile, "So it's really good for people to have a few good words and confidants."

During dinner, Lu Linxi received a call from Shi Gang. She came out to meet Tang Yineng and forgot to call him and told him not to prepare dinner.

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