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Chapter 141:

It's December in a blink of an eye.

Towards New Year's Day, it was the last year that the head teacher decided to hold a New Year's Day event, which was regarded as leaving a little memory for the students.

She needed to purchase materials on New Year's Day. Shen Xiaoran made a note and asked Lu Linxi to buy them with her.

The main reason is that Takagashi is a top student. He studies against time, even the ten minutes between classes. Shen Xiaoran was naturally embarrassed to delay her.

Chen Jiaojiao came to her aunt and didn't follow her.

So the two took advantage of the lunch break and went to the commissary near the school to buy it.

The two turned left, walked more than ten meters through the sidewalk, and then continued to walk more than ten meters, not far away.

The two talked and laughed. Shen Xiaoran asked Lu Linxi, "Why don't you film?"

Lu Linxi told her about her predicament.

Shen Xiaoran comforted her, "When you grow two years older and your face opens, you can be the leading role. Now you'd better prepare for the high school entrance examination at this stage."

Lu Linxi nodded, and she thought so.

It was noon at this time, and there were not many pedestrians on the road. Walk together in three or three.

Just then, a young man in his early twenties in a blue short baseball uniform came head-on. He put his pockets in his pockets and walked a step that he didn't recognize. Such people are particularly eye-catching everywhere.

Lu Linxi and Shen Xiaoran took a look, and soon withdrew their sight and talked about their desire to be a model.

Suddenly, she saw a cold light at the end of her eyes, and her heart thumped. When her body could not react, she was pulled, and then she was stabbed in the stomach and fell to the ground.

As the sky was spinning, she saw Shen Xiaoran wrestling with the young man.

It turned out that the little young man stabbed Lu Linxi and was not satisfied. He pulled out the knife and wanted to prick it again, but was stopped by Shen Xiaoran next to him.

Shen Xiaoran studied martial arts and had the strength in her hand, but she was just a child. How could she beat an adult man? It was soon unsupported, and the arm was cut by the other party.

Lu Linxi covered her stomach and struggled to stand up, but she hurt so much that the blood dripped to the ground through her fingers, and she took a cold breath in pain. Seeing the scene in front of her, she looked around to ask passers-by for help, but others were already scared when they saw this scene. Either hide or run away desperately. No one is willing to stretch out.

Lu Linxi panicked and wanted to find tools at her hand, but this side was the courtyard wall, and there were no shops at all. Trees were planted on both sides of the street, and there was shade underneath. She couldn't find tools at all for a while, but the situation was urgent and there was no need to delay at all. She could only use all her strength to pinch the young man's neck. Son.

She almost used all her strength to breastfeed, and the young man struggled to get rid of her for a moment.

Lu Linxi staggered to the ground. The injured part hit the telegraph pole. He only felt that his strength seemed to have been drained, and his body hurt all over his body, especially the wound trembled.

Soon her pink coat was dyed red with blood, like a blooming peony blooming slowly.

The young man quickly got up, picked up the knife and stabbed it at Lu Linxi again, "I want to avenge Brother Zheng!"

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