S2 Chapter 9: Sonic's Big Break

Start from the beginning

Decoe: Do not trust her!

Bocoe: She wants it for herself!

Y/n: Noisy nuisances.

Decoe: You're not off the hook either, light blue boy!

Eggman cut off communication with them.

Eggman: They get on my nerves! Let's get down to the nitty gritty, shall we? In the first phase of my plan, I'll go around the island wreaking havoc and drawing guards from their posts, clearing the way for you three to enter the compound. Then, Shadow moves in. He'll blow up the whole island by sneaking into the weapons center and setting off all the ammunition store there with this miniature detonation device.

He threw the device to Shadow who caught it and nodded.

Eggman: Meanwhile, Rouge will proceed to the warehouse where the Chaos Emeralds are locked away and remove them. Y/n and Chaos will take out any robot's that get in your way. We will then meet up at the rendezvous point and make our escape. We have exactly 30 minutes. If you run into trouble, you're on your own.

All four of them nodded.

Eggman: Let's go!

All five of them went on the move. Eggman got their attention by firing missiles at them and they sent a bunch of robots and missiles after him he was easily able to make them destroy themselves.

With Tails and Amy.

They were flying to Prison Island in the X-Tornado and saw the chaos that was happening.

Tails: What's goin' on?

Amy: It looks like somebody's fighting.

Tails: We'd better get down there and find Sonic!

Back on the island.

Shadow and Rouge made it to the entrance where the X-Tornado landed and Amy got out of and ran to Shadow and hugged him.

Amy: Oh, Sonic! What a relief! I came here to rescue you, but you escaped all by yourself! Sonic?

She let go and noticed that Rouge was there and that Shadow wasn't Sonic.

Amy: You're not Sonic! Who are you?

Eggman showed up.

Eggman: None of your business! Now get lost!

Amy: Dr. Eggman!

Eggman: Shadow. Rouge. Carry out your assignments!

He fired a missile at the door and when it was destroyed, Rouge and Shadow ran in. Eggman then turned his focus on Amy and Tails.

Eggman: I'll take care of you!

Amy: Keep away!

Tails: Amy!

Eggman: If you wanna fight me, Tails. Be my guest, but don't think I'm leaving you, Amy. I'm leaving you to a couple new men. You shouldn't have too much trouble remembering them.

Amy: Huh?

She felt an ominous presence behind her and when Amy turned around she saw Y/n was behind her.

Amy: Y/n?

Tails: Boy, are we glad to see you. Quick, knock Eggman out and we can go save Sonic.

Y/n stayed silent.

Tails: Y/n?

Amy: Uh, what are you waiting for? Knock him out!

Y/n: I'm afraid I can't do that.

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