S1 Chapter 25: A Dastardly Deed

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The runway at the Thorndyke's garage as the X Tornado was getting ready to take off.

Tails: Stand by for take off! X Tornado, let's go!

The X Tornado started moving with Sonic on it while Tails, Amy, Chris and Danny being the only one inside.

Tails: Let's take off!

The X Tornado then took to the skies.

Tails: Hold on tight, Sonic, it's time to deploy our stabilizing wings.

The stabilizing wings and Chuck, Francis and Mr. Tanaka were seeing them off.

Francis: Do you think they'll be able to find that seventh emerald, Mr. Thorndyke?

Chuck: It's possible, but they're not the only ones who'll be looking for it.


Ella, Y/n, Cream and Cheese were there.

Ella: Don't you worry, Creamy, they're going to find that emerald before you know it.

Cream/Cheese: Oh/Chao!

Y/n: Well, I'll go my way to start searching for it, see you.

Cream: Bye, Y/n, be safe.

Y/n nodded and ran out.

Ella: You really do love him, don't you?

Cream: I do. Ever since I met him, Y/n's been like the big brother I never had.

Ella: Well, I'm sure Y/n thinks the same about you being the little sister he never had.

Cream: Really?

Ella nodded and Cream smiled.

With the X Tornado.

Amy: Any signs of the emerald yet, Tails?

Tails: Nope.

Danny: Wow, this is so great.

Chris just stared at Sonic.

Danny: Hey, come on. Aren't you gonna help look?

Chris: Uh, yeah, sure.

Chris looked down sad.

Y/n ran on top of a building where he met up with Rouge.

Rouge: Hey, Y/n.

Y/n: Hi.

Rouge: So, you said you wanted to meet me here, may I ask why just me?

Y/n: Well, there's two things I want to talk to you about.

Rouge: Then why don't you sit down and let's talk.

Y/n sat next to Rouge.

Rouge: So, what's up?

Y/n: Well, the first thing is about our relationship.

Rouge: What about it.

Y/n: I don't want to lead you on, I just want be friends.

Rouge: May I ask why?

Y/n: Because at this point I'm not exactly what you would call an ideal significant other.

Rouge: Why wouldn't you? Your a nice guy.

Y/n: I am now, but I wasn't always this way. There was a time I murdered the people of our planet.

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