S3 Chapter 1: A Cosmic Call

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Sonic was in his super form and he destroyed a lot of metal like things in space. After he was done, Sonic began to pant.

Sonic: (Thinking: He's tougher than I thought. I better finish this.)

He was face with another robotic foe.

Sonic charged at him, but Sonic was easily knocked back

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Sonic charged at him, but Sonic was easily knocked back.

Dark robot: Your defeat is certain. Give me the Chaos Emeralds and I will spare your life.

Sonic summoned the Chaos Emeralds out of his body.

Sonic: Chaos Control!

A bright light blinded the dark robotic being as the seven Chaos Emeralds scattered throughout the Universe, bur Sonic reverted back to normal and fell back to the planet. The being had just now discovered it had a dent in its stomach.

Dark robot: Sonic has only delayed my Triumph. Those emeralds will be mine. Alert my forces across the galaxy! Begin the search for the Chaos Emeralds at once! Do not rest until you bring them all to me!

There were several red eyes flashing behind it.

Dark robot: Remove the planet egg!

The being flew off into the galaxy.

Tails, Amy, Cream and Cheese were sitting under the night sky with a camera and they were on a picnic blanket.

Cream: How much longer do we have to wait, Tails?

Tails: I'm not exactly sure, Cream. Not too long.

Amy: This would be so romantic if Sonic were here to see it with me! Soon,the whole Sky will be filled with shooting stars.

Tails: According to the astronomers, we only get a meteor shower this humongous once every 500 years or so. We're really lucky to be here.

Cream: I sure wouldn't want to wait that long to see it again, would you?

Cheese: Chao!

Y/n showed up at that moment.

Y/n: I certainly wouldn't want to wait.

Cream: Big brother, you came!

Y/n: Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Amy: We should all make a wish!

Tails: Why should we do that?

Cream: Chris told us to make a wish whenever you see a shooting star, it'll come true! Remember, Tails?

Tails: Yeah. It's too bad Chris and Chuck aren't here to see this with us.

Cream: I miss them. I wish we could go back to their world for a visit.

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