S1 Chapter 10: Unfair ball

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It was night time and Tails was flying in the X-Tornado.

Tails: The "X-Tornado" seems to be running really great since we installed the Chaos Emerald. This has to be just about the smoothest flight I've ever been on. Huh?

He noticed that the Chaos Emerald used to power up the "X-Tornado" was glowing.

Tails: I think it's picked up something.

Suddenly, the "X-Tornado" started to shake.

Tails: I can't control it.

The plane started to go really fast and the glow of the Chaos Emerald got brighter.

Tails: Something's pulling us off course.

Tails saw a large stadium.

Tails: Maybe it's another Chaos Emerald.

As he got closer he saw a man in the stadium.

Man: Stop! Stop! Stop!

Tails pulled the plane up.

Tails: I better go down there.

Tails landed the "X-Tornado" outside of the stadium and went inside it and he gasped at the awesome site of the baseball stadium.

Tails: Wow!

He used his tails to fly in more and he saw the man from earlier trying to start up a lawn mower.

Tails: Excuse me, sir. Hello! YO!

Man: Huh?

He looked at Tails and was absolutely shocked.

Man: Keep away!

Tails: Huh? I'm sorry. It's just, I was in my plane and the Chaos Emerald started glowing and... Don't worry, mister, I won't hurt you.

Man: Huh?

A little later.

The two of them were sitting on the bleachers.

Man: Sure is some story, little fella. Never wouldn't guessed that was you flying that plane up there.

Tails: I'm sorry I frightened you just now, sir. I've never seen a studium as pretty as this before. You know, the grass is practically glowing.

Man: Thanks for the compliment. Lots of folks say that turf here at Diamond Stadium is the best in the world, which makes me happy because I've been the groundskeeper here at Diamond for 30 years.

Tails: Thirty years?

Groundskeeper: You bet. Only I'm afraid today is my last day here at the old place. You see, the Diamonds' manager wants to build an indoor stadium with artificial turf, so this place is gonna be demolished. I tell you, leaving this place behind feels like the end of an era. By the way, little fella, did you mention something about an emerald?

Tails: Yeah.

He went into his tails and pulled out his Chaos Emerald.

Tails: See, I'm looking for an emerald just like this one. It's called a Chaos Emerald.

Groundskeeper: A what? Would this be what you're looking for?

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a Chaos Emerald, but this one was cyan blue like Y/n.

Tails: Ah, a Chaos Emerald!

Groundskeeper: I saw it laying next to the dumpster a couple of nights ago. Wasn't sure what it was.

Both the Chaos Emeralds started to glow really bright and a white light shot out in the sky and everyone in the down saw it.

In the outskirts of town.

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