S1: Chapter 21: Fast Friends

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It was night time and everyone was sound asleep until Chris everyone was awoken by a loud car engine.

Chris: Ah! What's that?

Y/n walked outside.

Y/n: What the Hell is going on out here?!

He saw a red race car.

Y/n: Is that?

Ella and Tanaka ran out shouting with a frying pan and with a karate chop but Sam who came out of the car blocked them.

Sam: Back off! Relax, lighten up. It's me.

Tanaka/Ella: Huh?

Chuck came out too.

Chuck: Blast it, Sam! Don't you have any idea what time it is?

Y/n: Yeah, whatever you need, couldn't it have waited til morning?

Sam: But it is morning.

Chuck: It's 3:00 a.m!

Y/n: Way too early for whatever you want.

Sam: So it's a little early.

Ella: You're lucky, I held myself back. I was just about to batter you like a chicken cutlet.

Tanaka: I'm going back to bed.

Chuck: I hope you didn't wake the neighbors.

A bunch of people were looking at them.

Y/n: And he woke them up.

A bunch of helicopters were flying up above and Chris walked on his balcony rubbing his eyes.

Chris: What's going on?

Chris saw the crowd of people.

Chris: Where'd all those people come from?

Sonic: I don't know. Looks like they're lined up for a parade.

Chuck: Hey, Sam, isn't that a new car?

Y/n: Is this the reason why you woke all these people up? So you could show off your new car?

Sam: Guess you don't always get it right, Y/n.

Y/n: Then why did you come here?

Sam pointed his finger at Y/n.

Sam: I'm here to challenge you and Sonic to a road race!

Chris/Sonic/Y/n: A race?

Chuck went behind the car to look at its engine.

Chuck: Hold on! This is a rocket engine.

Sam: That's the SS3 Super Rocket Engine. It was designed by top engineers at the Office of Science and Technology. Over a billion dollars went into its development.

Y/n: All that money to build an engine when I could have just made you one for a reasonable price.

Sam turned to him and Sonic.

Sam: Sonic and Y/n, I'm gonna prove once and for all I'm the fastest guy on the planet.

Chris: Sonic and Y/n, are you both gonna race against my Uncle Sam?

Sonic got up.

Sonic: No way!

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