S2 Chapter 17: Mean Machines

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Sonic and Y/n were running through Station Square and saw a bunch of people in the park. Some have their hair done to look like Sonic or Y/n, some are running, some are wearing scarfs, some are in trees while others are leaning against them with arms crossed. There were also activities like making art of Sonic and Y/n, buttons of them, and even small wood sculptures of them. They went to get a closer look.

Y/n: It's like a whole festival for us here.

A painter noticed them.

Painter: Look, everybody.

Sonic hair: Oh, wow, Sonic's here!

Y/n hair: And Y/n too.

Everyone in the park ran to them.

Sonic: Calm down, will you?

Chaos: I think it's time we hightail out of here.

Y/n: Agreed.

They both ran off.

At a big building, Chris' father, Nelson Thorndyke was working at his desk when a blonde woman walked in.

Woman: Good morning, Mr. Thorndyke.

Nelson: Morning, Suzy.

Suzy: Those documents I mentioned are ready for you if you have the time.

Nelson: Ah, just leave them right here, please.

Suzy: Yes, sir.

She snapped her fingers in a whole bunch of man came in with whole stacks of papers.

Nelson: Huh? Hey, what is all this stuff, Suzy?

Suzy: Apparently, our home appliance division has been absolutely flooded with customer complaint forms.

Nelson: Are you kidding me? This can't be. Why we've hardly ever received any complaints about our products before. How could this have happened now.

Suzy: I think you'd better watch this.

She turned on the news and Scarlet Garcia.

Scarlet: Sonic and Y/n's popularity seems to be affecting people throughout the city and all sorts of amazing ways. From groups of children playing games of "catch the hedgehog" to adult sleeping on rooftops and teenagers leaning against walls with their arms crossed like their heroes, Sonic and Y/n's same seems to be a reaching astonishing proportions. In fact, a large number of citizens are leaving their jobs in order to follow their idols. From Station Square Park, I'm Scarlet Garcia, SSTV News.

Suzy turned off the news.

Nelson: (laughing) I knew Sonic and Y/n we're famous, but that's ridiculous. Ah, but what does all this have to do with those complaints, Suzy?

Suzy: As you know, many of our employees are wild about the hedgehogs too.

Nelson: Mmm-hmm.

Suzy: Well, some of them have left the company and started either Sonic or Y/n fan clubs and most of the assembly line workers so much time talking about them that their work has become shobby. And now our customers are complaining like crazy.

Nelson screamed.

Suzy: If this keeps up, we might have to go out of business.

Nelson: I'm not losing Thorndyke Industries over some silly hedgehogs.

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