S1 Chapter 7: Party Hardly

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Chris, Cream, and Cheese were in Chris's room.

Chris: Now, remember, Cream, you too, Cheese, stay inside while I'm gone, okay?

Cream: Okay.

Cheese: Chao.

Chris: I'll see ya later.

Chris walked out of there and both Cream and Cheese had sad expressions on their faces and they went out on the balcony.

Cream: I don't want to stay inside. I want to go outside and play.

She saw something outside and her face lit up.

With the others.

Tails, Amy, Sonic, and Y/n were in the attic of Chris's Garage and Amy didn't have her bandages on anymore.

Y/n: And that is how I tortured that guy into giving me his tools.

Amy: We didn't even ask, you just sat down and started talking about torture.

They then heard giggling outside.

Amy: Huh? That sounds like Cream and Cheese outside.

Y/n and Amy ran to the window Tails was close to and they saw Cream picking flowers.

Tails: I wonder what she's doing out there, guys.

Amy: I bet Cream's out there gathering some flowers.

Tails: She knows we're supposed to stay inside while Chris is at school. What's so important about going outside to pick flowers.

Y/n: And don't say to get a boy's attention.

Tails: Oh...


Tails saw Cream in a flower field and walked over to her.

Tails: Hi, Cream, what're you doing there?

Cream turned around with a bunch of Flowers in her hands.

Cream: I'm gonna surprise my mom by making her a crown out of flowers.

Back to present.

Tails: I guess she misses her mom.

Amy: Of course she does. I just wish... I just wish we could do something to cheer her up.

Y/n: I honestly don't understand.

Amy: What do you mean?

Y/n: Why would someone waste time just for someone else.

Amy became a little angry.

Amy: It's called love for a mother, not that you would even know what that means.

Tails: Yeah, you don't even talk about your mom.

Sonic grabbed a poster and ran out of there.

Tails: Huh?

Amy: Sonic? Where do you guys think he's going?

Y/n: It doesn't matter. Look, if you want to know something about my mother, fine. See this neck scarf I have?

They both look at his gray neck scarf.

Amy/Tails: Yeah.

Y/n: It belonged to my mother.

Amy: Aw, it's sweet that you keep something of your mother's around to remember her by.

Y/n: Look, I need to get Cream in here

He ran out of there as quickly came back with Cream.

Cream: What's going on?

Y/n: You are not suppose to leave Christopher's room.

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