S2 Chapter 16: A Date to Forget

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Bokkun was inside the old Egg Fort standing in front of yellow robot, blue eyes and orange parts on it laying down with wires hooked up to it.

Bokkun: Hey, Emerl. Wake up. I said wake up! You can hear me, can't you? Turn yourself on! What's the matter with you? Did your brain short circuit? Come on. Get up! We've got an important mission to carry out and there's no time to lose!

The robot that was named Emerl finally stood up and it looked to be around the same height as Amy.

Bokkun: Good! I hope your batteries are all charged up because we're gonna have a really busy day. I'm in charge of this operation so you have to obey all of my commands, okay?

Emerl nodded.

Bokkun: All right, Emerl, let's go.

Emerl unhooked himself from his wires and walk to Bokkun as he opened the door.

Bokkun: We're gonna give Sonic a real bash today. Forward march!

They walked out of there.

The news was on Scarlet Garcia who was at City Park with a bunch of people running and some are wearing scarfs

Scarlet: City Park has been overrun... Overrun by fitness fans obsessed with running. This new craze is all thanks to Sonic the Hedgehog. His heroics are inspiring thousands of people to put on their jogging shoes and run for fun.

A man ran to her.

Scarlet: Why did you decide to take up running, sir?

Man: I don't know. Sonic has such a great time racing around, I thought I'd try.

Scarlet: And don't think that people have forgotten about our other hero, Y/n. Lots of people are wearing scarfs no matter the weather or conditions.

A runner with a scarf came by.

Scarlet: Mr, why are you wearing that scarf while running?

Scarf runner: I don't know. Y/n always looks so cool with one, and it helps you sweat more when you run.

Scarlet: School officials and athletic coaches report that their track programs are more popular than ever and new records are being set daily. Experts in sports psychology are baffled by the sudden turn of events.

Cream was playing with building blocks, Chris was sitting in a chair reading, Vanilla and Spark were sitting on the couch, and Y/n finally took off his bandages.

Chaos: Looks like you've made a complete recovery.

Y/n: Let's hope it'll last.

???: Sonic!

Amy barged in the room with an angry look on her face.

Chris: Hi, Amy.

Cream: What's wrong?

Amy jumped on the table.

Amy: Hmp. All right, where are you hiding, Sonic? You better come out now.

Chris: He's not here.

Amy pulled Chris in with one arm.

Amy: You can't fool me. I know you're hiding and Chris is covering for you come on out, Sonic.

She got out her hammer.

Y/n: Hey, you better let him go with that.

Amy turned to Y/n angrily.

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