S1 Chapter 12: Beating Eggman Part1

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Sonic was laying on the garage roof and he was looking at a book.

Sonic: I guess I've seen every place there is to see on this planet, except for the places I'd have to swim to.

Cream, Cheese and Y/n were in the living room watching Cream's cartoon.

Purple Monster: Bye, bye my friends. I'll see you tomorrow.

Cream: Bye, bye.

Cheese: Chao, chao.

Y/n: I honestly don't understand why you watch this, Cream.

Ella walked in.

Ella: I thought you three might like a little snack.

Cream: Thank you, Ella.

Cheese: Chao! Chao!

The news came on.

News anchor: We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to go live to our SSTV correspondent, Scarlet Garcia.

Scarlet: The president's top aide is going to make a statement before taking questions from the press corps.

Top aide: The president has decided to take action to stop Dr. Eggman.

Cream: What?

Knuckles was climbing up a mountain and reached the top.

Knuckles: All right, where's that emerald?

He saw the X-Tornado fly over him and he ran after it.

With the X-Tornado.

Amy, Chris, Tails, and the overalls girl were flying in the X-Tornado.

Overalls girl: Amy, there's my house down there.

Amy: Which one?

Overalls girl: Do you see the one with the red roof?

Amy: Yeah. That's great Francis.

Francis: You should come for a visit sometime.

Amy: I will, thanks.

Francis: Hey, Chris. Do you think we can fly over our school?

Chris was wearing a pair of goggles.

Chris: Ah, well, I- Maybe.

Tails: Guys, this isn't a sight-seeing trip. We've got to hurry and track down the next Chaos Emerald or Eggman'll get it before we do.

Chris: I know, Tails, sorry.

Tails: It's all right. Hey, Chris, where did you get those new high-tech goggles? From your grandpa or Y/n?

Chris: Mmm, no, my teacher Mr. Stewart gave 'me to me. Like 'em?

Tails: Mm-hmm. They look pretty cool.

Chris: Yeah, they're one of the best gifts I ever got.

Little to their knowledge a chip was in the goggles and Mr. Stewart was able hear everything Chris was hearing.

Francis: (On radio: Amy, look, there's the school Chris and I go to.)

The X-Tornado flew over Mr. Stewart's car and he drove after it.

Tails: I hope the search is going better on Y/n's end.

Meanwhile at the white house.

Y/n walked into the President's office.

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