S2 Chapter 23: The Beginning of the End

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Scarlet Garcia was on the News.

Scarlet: "Freedom Fever" is running wild as fans of Sonic the Hedgehog embrace the new Freedom Movement, adopting the career-free lifestyle of their hero. And some people have gone through a Strict Study Session to be as smart as Y/n the Hedgehog. It seems like the entire planet is caught up in both craze's.

People: Freedom!

Other people: Smarts!

Scarlet: The International Track and Field Association reports that runners around the world are setting new records every day.

Chris crossed a finish line.

Coach: Wow, eight seconds flat.

Chris: Yeah!

Scarlet: And the government has been hosting local science fairs more frequently with new scientific projects being awarded every day as well.

Helen was at a table with a mechanical snake that looks like it could be used as an arm.

Judge: Congratulations on first place, kid.

Helen: All right!

Decoe and Bocoe were taking care of the Thorndyke's front lawn.

Bocoe: I love working for the Thorndyke family. Now the only thing we have to attack is crabgrass.

Decoe: Plus, we get weekends off. Eggman never gave us free time except the times he made us work for free.

They both laughed and that's when Chris and Cream came back from school.

Chris: Hey, how's it goin', you guys?

Cream: Hope you're not working too hard.

Decoe: Hello, Christopher and Cream!

Bocoe: Welcome home!

Decoe: You're parents, brother and uncle just arrived back here a few minutes ago.

Chris: Great, where are they?

Decoe: In the backyard. They are extremely eager to see you both.

Chris/Cream: Thanks, guys!

Bocoe: What nice kids.

Decoe: It is hard to believe that a few days ago we were trying to destroy them.

Bocoe: I guess we should get back to work.

Decoe: Right. We still have to fill in that ditch we dug earlier.

Tanaka fell into that ditch.


The sun was setting and in the backyard everyone including Chris's parents were having a cook out. Lindsey and Nelson were making kabobs that were burnt. While Chuck was making soup and Y/n was making his aunt's spaghetti carbonara.

Nelson: Here, Ella.

Ella: Oh, no, thank you, sir. There might not be enough to go around.

Lindsey: Nonsense, Ella, we have more than enough.

Ella: That's great.

Nelson: I know you love good food, so I expect to see you back for seconds.

Nelson gave her a plate full of those kabobs and Ella just smiled and groaned.

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