S2 Chapter 5: Revenge of the Robot

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Narrator: Last time on "Sonic X," our heros crash-landed on the Egg carrier to search for Amy and the rest of the Master Emerald. Eggman caught Amy and snatched a Chaos Emerald away from her feathered friend Lily! Y/n and Cream were temporarily able to get it back, but Eggman quickly got it back. Meanwhile, Chris and Big rescued Froggy, only to find themselves in the clutches of the chaos creature! But Sonic, Y/n and Knuckles showed up and they were deslimed in no time! Eggman dropped a ticking time bomb into the middle of Station Square, but Tails used his technical know-how and the help of Y/n who came back with Blade the giant Chao saved the day! What's next? Find out now on "Sonic X x Male Reader!"

Chris got to the city and ran on the bridge with the Chaos Emerald.

Chris: I've got to get this Emerald to Knuckles somehow. But how can I?

He looked up and saw a helicopter fly over him.

Chris: I know. We'll use the X-Tornado.

He started running again.

At the Thorndyke residence.

They were watching the news.

Scarlet: Good afternoon, this is Scarlet Garcia reporting to you live from inside the SSTV newscopter. Citizens of Station Square are breathing a collective sigh of relief today after narrowly avoiding a surprise attack by the notorious Dr. Eggman. Yesterday, residence were thrown into a state of panic when Dr. Eggman and a missile into the center of the city. A missile housing a ticking time bomb that threatened to explode at any moment.

Cream: Aren't they going to show Tails or Y/n?

Cheese: Chao.

Y/n: I really don't care.

Cream: But everyone needs to know how great you are.

Chuck: Pay attention.

Scarlet: The situation seemed hopeless as tension mounted and terror spread throughout the city. However, thanks to the quick thinking of Mr. Miles Prower, known to his friends as Tails, and the help of our hero, Y/n the Hedgehog, the danger was ultimately averted and calm was restored. City officials have announced plans to honor Mr. Prower and Mr. Hedgehog for their outstanding bravery.

Chuck: I didn't know your real name was Miles, Tails.

Tails: I like Tails better.

Mr. Tanaka: I agree. "Tails" is much more colorful.

Y/n: And it suits him a lot better than Miles.

Tails: Thanks, you two.

Ella looked out the window.

Ella: Are all these strange people outside here to see Tails and Y/n?

Chuck: Maybe you might want to lay low with us for awhile, guys, and catch up with your rest?

Cream: Yeah, we haven't seen you in a long time, Tails. And I really think you need rest too, Y/n.

Tails: I can't stay, Cream. I'm supposed to look for the X-Tornado today!

Y/n: Do we even know if it's still flyable? Big sat in there, what if he broke it?

Tails: We got to at least try.

Y/n: Well, even if we weren't looking for the X-Tornado, we still have a Chaos Emerald to find.

Chuck: I know! Just leave it to me, Tails, I've got the perfect idea!

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