S2 Chapter 24: Running out of Time

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Narrator: Last time on "Sonic X x Male Reader," Chris learned that his world and Sonic's were once one, but since the planets started to recombine, time itself is screeching to a halt! The only way to unstop the clock is to cause Chaos Control and send Sonic, Y/n and their friends back to their world. Suspecting a trick, Chris confronted Dr. Eggman and was shocked to discover is that the time-freeze fiasco was real. But was more shocked to find out Y/n hugged him to console him. Now Tails and Chuck are working overtime to build a machine that can send our heroes home while Y/n worked on final goodbyes. Can they conquer the secrets of Chaos Control before time runs out? What will happen to Y/n when he returns home? Find out next on "Sonic X x Male Reader!"

Scarlet was on the News as always.

Scarlet: We now go live to the office of the President.

President: My fellow citizens, I have sad news to bring you this morning. Many months ago a connection was established between Sonic and Y/n's world and our own. Now regrettably, that connection must be severed forever...

Y/n and Chaos were watching the news at home.

Chaos: I guess the words out now.

Y/n: I gotta work on some final goodbyes.

The house phone rang and he picked.

Y/n: Hello? Sure, I'll let them know. Okay, bye.

He hung up.

Chaos: Who was that?

Y/n: Ella. She invited us for breakfast.

Chaos: Well, let's get Cream, Cheese, Vanilla and Spark up and then we'll go.

With Chris.

Chris was standing near the pool, looking at it then Sonic zoomed onto the other side.

Sonic: Morning, Chris.

Chris: Good morning, Sonic.

Sonic: How's it going, guy?

Chris: Okay.

Sonic: We can go for a run later if you want to.

Chris: Sure.

President: Unfortunately, this is the last day we will spend with Sonic, Y/n and their friends. Tonight, they must return to their own world.


Y/n had gotten his group to the Thorndyke's where everyone enjoyed breakfast.

Amy: Personally, I don't see why it's such a problem if time suddenly comes to a stop. If I don't get older, I won't get any wrinkles.

Vanilla: But, Amy, don't you think you'd get bored if you were forced to live the same day over and over again forever and ever?

Cream: And if you don't get any older, you'll never get birthday presents.

Amy: I didn't think of that.

Y/n: And if time stops, you'll never get with Sonic or marry him. Not like I see that happening even if time continued though.

Amy: I'll make time fly fast around you.

Ella: Hey, come on. Let's not ruin our last day with you!

Chris got up and grabbed his backpack.

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