S3 Chapter 15: Testing Time

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The Blue Typhoon was floating through space. Everyone was in the bridge with Sonic having Cheese on his lap.

Sonic: Hey, Tails. Why don't you try steering the ship on a different course now?

Tails: I guess I can. But where exactly do you want me to go, Sonic?

Sonic: Wherever. It doesn't matter.

Y/n: It does matter. We need to find the Chaos Emeralds if we want to beat the Metarex. If those two Commanders were that strong, just imagine how strong Dark Oak is. What's wrong with this direction anyway?

Sonic: It's just, we've been going in this direction since the Metarex began chasing us 12 hours ago, and I've been wondering why they haven't fired a shot at us.

Cosmo: Are you suggesting that the Metarex tricked us into going this way?

Tails: Is it a trap, Sonic?

Sonic: Why don't we find out?

Tails: Okay. And while we're at it we can test out how accurate their tracking sensors are. Let's push our speed to the max. Chris, increase auxiliary engines to maximum power.

Chris: Roger. Increasing power now.

Tails: Turn to Mark 3.1.

Amy: Are you sure this is a good idea? They're turning, too!

Chris: It's a laser blast. The Metarex are firing at us.

Cream: All shields up.

They put up the laser shield in time and it blocked a laser from hitting them.

Knuckles: Guess they don't want us going this way.

Tails: Change course to Mark 0.8. Maintain speed.

Amy: But there are three ships approaching at Mark 3.70. And they're coming at us full speed!

Y/n: I've got this one.

Y/n quickly ran out of the ship and aimed his hand at the ships.

Y/n: Lightning Paradise!

Y/n shot the ships down with the blasts of lightning.

Helen: Nice shot, Y/n.

Star: You show 'em, hun!

Y/n ran back in.

Y/n: That takes care of that.

Tails: Return to original coordinates.

Chris: Roger.

Tails: Now it's their move. Cream, keep all the shields up.

Cream: Roger!

Tails: (Thinking: If the Metarex back off now, it's because they want us to head this way.)

They saw five Metarex ships pass them.

Chris: The Metarex ships just passed us. They aren't chasing us anymore.

Y/n: That proves our suspicion.

Tails: The Metarex are up to something.

Sonic: Looks that way.

Helen: Why could they possibly want us to go this way?

Knuckles: Chris, are there any Metarex ahead of us?

Chris: I've been trying to search the area with our scanners, but so far, I've haven't detected anything at all. It's possible that somebody's jamming our scanners.

Knuckles: Then it is a trap. We should turn around.

Sonic: No way. I'm really curious to know what the Metarex are scheming.

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