S1 Chapter 19: Sonic and Y/n's Scream Test

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Sonic, Y/n and the others along with Ella were on an island with a castle on it and while Y/n leaned against it with his arms crossed he saw Sonic laying on top of a wall yawning.

Y/n: Just when I thought Faker couldn't get any lazier.

Y/n turned his head slightly and saw Chris's mother, Lindsey, talking to the director of her new movie.

Director: you are fantastic in that last take, Lindsey, but I'd like to give it one more go. Take it slower and let those tears go this time. And, Roger, please try to show some feeling this take?

Y/n ran back to Amy, Chris and Tails and Ella walked to them dressed like Jill from Jack and Jill.

Amy: Ella, what happened to your hair?

Chris: Did Mom get you a part in the movie?

Ella: That's right. They needed someone to play an extremely young and beautiful housekeeper, so they typecast me. How do I look?

Y/n: You look like the main female protagonist from Cream's story, Jack and Jill. And although you are young, beautiful is debatable.

Director: All right, let's go! Places, please.

Y/n: I'm gonna go back to leaning, come get me when this trash rehearsal is over.

Y/n leaned against the wall with his arms crossed again.

Amy: Sure, go back to being the brooding cool guy.

After the rehearsal.

Amy: She sounds like she's really into that guy Brett.

Both her and Chris laughed and Lindsey walked over to them.

Lindsey: Was I good?

Chris: Great.

Y/n: That's debatable.

Lindsey: Oh, I thought you were bringing your friends. Where are they?

Tails: We're right here.

Lindsey: My, you look like a real fox.

Y/n: That's because he is.

Lindsey: I see you really get into your role playing aspects. It's amazing what the make-up department can do with a little hair in a pot of glue these days.

Chris/Tails: Uhh.

Tails: Did you tell her about us yet?

Chris: I tried, but Mom's clueless sometimes.

Y/n: I call it being completely retarded.

Tails: We need to have a talk about the things you say in public, Y/n.

Chris: Hey, I haven't seen Cream and Cheese. I wonder where they went?

Tails: Don't ask me.

Y/n: I'll go look for them, but first...

Y/n ran to Tails and chopped him in the neck and Tails passed out.

Y/n: That was for letting them out of your site, Tails.

Director: Rewind that.

Y/n/Chris: Huh?

Y/n ran to where the director was and he saw Cream and Cheese in the background of Lindsey's rehearsal replay.

Director: Hold it! There, you see? I didn't call for animals in this shot.

Crewmember: Don't worry, DB. We can erase it digitally in post.

DB: Good idea. Let's print it. All right, let's move on to the next scene, people!

Y/n: I better go get Cream and Cheese.

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