S3 Chapter 2: Cosmic Crisis

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The Master Emerald glowing bright. Then they saw two figures coming out of it.

Sonic/Knuckles: Hey, that's Chris.

Y/n/Chaos: And Helen.

Chris: It worked. I did it. I actually did it.

Helen: You did. This is so great.

Chris/Helen: Sonic/Y/n!

They tripped as they now realize they weren't teenagers anymore, but the little kids they were all that time ago, making their clothes look bigger.

Chris: What's going on? What's with our clothes? Did we shrink or something?

Helen: Could this be a side affect of your machine?

Tails walked over to them.

Tails: Great to see you two again.

Chris: Tails, it's you.

Cream and Amy followed after.

Cream: We really missed you both.

Amy: It's about time you showed up.

Chris: Hey, Amy.

Helen: Cream, it's you.

Helen and Cream hugged tight as Knuckles also jumped in.

Knuckles: It's good to see you!

Spark: Great to have you back.

The only ones not welcoming them were Sonic, Y/n, Chaos, Star, and Cosmo.

Cosmo: Sonic, Y/n, who are those two?

Star: Are they friends of yours?

Y/n: Yes. In fact, really good ones.

Chris: Ah, hi, Sonic and Y/n.

Sonic: How you doing, pal.

Helen: You two haven't changed the bit.

Y/n: We could say the same for you two.

Chris: I can't believe we're really here. It's been a long time coming.

Sonic: I knew you'd get here sooner or later, buddy.

Y/n: If it wasn't me, I knew it would have to be you.

Chris: Well, about what Helen said. None of you have changed.

Helen looked at Star and Cosmo.

Helen: The group has actually seemed to have changed a little bit. Who are these two?

Y/n: The yellow one is Star, and the green one is Cosmo.

Star: (slight bow) It is a pleasure to meet you both.

Helen: (bowing) The pleasure is all ours.

Sonic: So, what's with the baggy clothes? Is that a new style?

Chris: No, we don't know what's going on.

Sonic suddenly fainted without warning.

Chris: Sonic!

Amy: Sonic, what's wrong?!

Knuckles: Say something!

Y/n knelt down to him and checked his pulse.

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