S3 Chapter 17: Terror On the Typhoon

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The Blue Typhoon was attacked by some Metarex ships, but the laser shield protected it. Everyone was watching from the bridge.

Cream: More Metarex!

Cheese: Chao, chao!

They saw the Metarex were actually after another ship.

Sonic: Somebody's in trouble.

Chris: We're getting a signal. There's a Chaos Emerald somewhere on board that craft.

Cosmo: They're in great danger. If what Chris says it's true, then those Metarex will stop at nothing to get what they want. We must help them.

Sonic: She's right. What do you say, Chris?

Chris: Okay.

Tails: As Captain, I hereby veto that plan. We have our safety to think about.

Y/n: I agree. Plus, it seems little strange that the Metarex are giving up an opportunity to try and get rid of us just to chase a ship.

Sonic and Chris already left though.

Sonic: Later, kids.

Cream: Looks like you're too late.

Y/n: Son of a bitch.

Tails: Why do they even bother having a captain or a voice of reason anyway?

Y/n: To be honest, Tails. No one really elected anyone as Captain.

Sonic got on Chris' ship and they both chased after the Metarex.

Sonic: We'll be on that mystery shipping no time.

Chris: Hope they're okay out there.

The Metarex were shoot the ship with rabid fire.

Sonic: Man, they really got that thing surrounded.

Chris: Yeah, you're right. Looks pretty bad.

Sonic jumped off Chris's ship and used Spindash to destroy the Metarex ships except one which Chris destroyed with missile.

Sonic: Good shot.

Inside the Typhoon.

Tails and Y/n were working on the engine when Star and Cosmo came to them with so tea.

Cosmo: Hiya, boys.

Star: Yo.

Tails: Hey, how you doing, Cosmo?

Y/n: To what do we owe the pleasure, my dear wife and sister-in-law?

Cosmo: You hungry?

Tails: I'm sorry, but we just don't have time. This modification job's a real pain. I told Chris I'd modify the energy sequencer and reconnected it to the Master Emerald with a stronger magnetic field, but if I do that, the frequencies will get out of whack. I suppose I could bypass by going directly through the- Uh, sorry about that. Didn't mean to get all geeky on you again.

Cosmo: Ah. Don't apologize. After all, you can't help it if you're the smartest guy around.

Star: Well, second smartest. Speaking of which, what are you up to, babe?

Y/n: I'm upgrading the energy sequencer to gain power from my lightning. This incase Knuckles can't get to the Emerald.

Chris: (Over com: Tails, Y/n, come up here right away! You've gotta see this!)

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