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Name: Y/n The Hedgehog.

Age: 16.

Gender: male.

Personality: serious, cold, kind (sometimes), distant, angry, and smart.

Likes: Sonic and the gang (over time), his late father, his Uncle, going Super, Chaos Emeralds, and fighting.

Dislikes: Eggman, Sonic and friends (at the beginning), being alone, Shadow, villains, jokes.

Weapons: Two technological bracelets (final gifted from his father), the bracelet on the right can extend into a blade that can slash through almost anything. While the one on the left can also turn into a blade, but it's not as strong as the first one and to make up for that it has a second mode that can convert into a shield and although it's not that big it can block almost any attack.


Season one: Can ran as fast as Sonic, Spindash, go Super like Sonic, summon Choas, and Strength.

Season two: Still Super Speed Spindash and Strength, Shoot lightning out of his fingers (power he already had but decided not to use in season one), and Chaos control with one Emerald.

Season three: The same powers he had before, Spindash in a dragon made of lightning (self-taught), Coat his quills with lightning and shoot them (learn from his Uncle), Sent lightning towards his opponent (learned from Uncle), Turn lightning into a sword (learn from his Uncle), Focus lightning onto his blades/shield (learned from Uncle), Redirect lightning (learned from Uncle), and basically anything lightning related.

First chapter will be here on Friday.

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