S1 Chapter 11: Fly Spy and Cool Guy

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At night time the bat lady from Chapter 1 was looking at a museum than she flew to it and inside was a diamond and the guards were talking in the security room.

Guard: Anybody hungry?

He heard footsteps and saw the bat lady on the cameras.

Guard: Hey!

The bat lady got in front of the diamond's case and an alarm went off.

Guard 2: What's going on?

Guard 3: What's wrong?

Guard 2: How could anybody get in there?

The bat lady started to admire the diamond and she brokethe case with a kick and took the diamond.

Bat lady: Hello, gorgeous.

Guard: We'll lock down the place.

The guard hit some buttons and all the doors and windows got sealed shut.

Guard: Nobody's getting out of here now.

The three guards went to the diamond room.

Guard 3: Hands in the air!

They saw that the room was empty and a card was in the spot where the diamond should be that said...

Guard: "Thank you"? What? Is this a gag?

They saw that the sky light of the room was lifted up by a crain and the bat lady was flying through the sky.

Bat lady: You may not be a Chaos Emerald, but you'll do, for now...

Cream, Cheese and Y/n was watching the news in the Thorndyke garage and Y/n was peeling and cutting an apple.

Reporter: I'm coming to you live from the National Museum where officials say that the world's largest diamond was stolen late last night. Law-enforced authorities are baffled by the outbrake of precious gem robberies, but private sources tell SSTV that they believe that this was merely the biggest in a series of jewel thefts that have plagued Station Square in recent days.

The door open.

???: Sonic?

Scarlet: This is Scarlet Garcia, SSTV News.

Amy was holding the door open with one hand and holding a pizza in the other.

Amy: Hey, Cream, have you seen Sonic?

Cream: The last time we saw him he was with Chris and Tails, but I'm not sure where they went.

Cheese: Chao!

Amy: That's too bad. Hey, feel like having some pizza?

Cream: Yes! Are you sure it's okay?

Y/n: Don't take it, Cream. She probably drugged it.

Amy: And why would I do that?

Y/n: Maybe so you could do things with Sonic that he would never do with you if he was awake.

Amy: (blush) Uh... what?

Y/n got done with the apple cutting it into six slices.

Y/n: Here you go, Cream, three for you and three for Cheese.

Cream took the slices.

Cream: Thank you, Y/n.

Cheese: Chao, chao.

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