S2 Chapter 7: Project Shadow

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Narrator: Last time on "Sonic X x Male Reader," the Chaos Creature devoured the seventh Chaos Emerald and transforms into a mammoth monster. A tidal wave of fear flooded Station Square as the city became a watery wreck. The four out of five members of Team Chaos showed up and Y/n summoned his gaint Chao friends, including Lord Tea and Lady Biscuit, but it along with Eggman and Y/n's honored Sage Mode couldn't stop the belligerent Behemoth. But with the help of him and Sonic's friends and the power of the Chaos Emeralds, Super Sonic and Y/n socked it to him! And at the end of it all, Y/n was able to befriend Chaos. Will Station Square recover from the disastrous deluge? Or is the city all washed up? Find out next on, "Sonic X x Male Reader!"

Y/n and Sonic were running through what was left of Station Square.

Y/n: You check West, I got East.

Sonic: Okay.

They split up Y/n heard a little girl crying in a building that was blocked of by ruble.

Y/n: This could be challenging.

Chaos came from his bracelet.

Y/n: Hey, what's up?

Chaos extended its arms to a long range and moved the ruble out of the away.

Y/n: Nice job, Chaos.

Chaos sunk back into Y/n's bracelet and Y/n took the girl and ran out of there.

At the Thorndyke residence.

The house was destroyed and a bunch of movers were moving the ruined furniture out while Ella and Lindsay were cleaning the furniture that was gonna be packed.

Mover: Toss this!

Mover 2: Okay, that's good. Right here.

Lindsay: Oh, dear! All my lovely furniture ruined!

At Chris' school.

A helicopter landed in front of Chris, Mr. Stewart, and a lot of other students.

Mr. Stewart: Okay, class! Ready to carry the rescue supplies to the cafeteria?

Class: Yeah!

Nelson opened the helicopter door from the inside.

Nelson: Chris!

Chris: Dad! What are you doing here?

Nelson: I thought I'd drop in and see how you were doing.

Chris: I'm fine!

The kids started hauling the supplies into the cafeteria where lots of people were resting.

Francis: These boxes are heavy! (sigh) I need to take a break!

Danny: That's okay. Why don't you go play and let me and Chris finish the unloading?

Francis: I can lift as much as you!

Man: Our son is lost.

Woman: Did the search parties find a little boy?

Woman: What about a little girl?

Officer: Er, no, ma'am.

They both started to cry when Sonic and Y/n ran in with a kid each, Sonic's a boy and Y/n's a girl.

Sonic: Are these your kids?

Boy: Ma!

Girl: Mommy!

Women: Jim/Ailey! You're safe!

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