Owl Mama adopts weird demon

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"Haha!" King laughed and jumped on the back end of their staffs. "Saint Epiderm? More like stank epiderm!" They continued to rush towards the checkpoint, causing King to get nervous. "Might wanna slow down for that turn, Luz! We're gonna crash!"

But instead of slowing down, Luz slapped a plant glyph on the side of the checkpoint, using the summoned vines to slingshot her and King back around.


The students cheered at Luz's move, as did Principal Bump, who shot a smug grin at the other Principals.


"This place is disgusting", Darius groaned and pulled his cloak up from the mud. "Figure out which one's the turncloak so we can leave." Eberwolf
sniffed the BATS and shook his head. "Just my luck." Darius sighed and teleported the captured BATS into the comformatorium  "I was scheduled for some me time today,
so hand yourself over before things get nasty." He called out and finally groaned. "I know they can hear me. I know you can hear me, Eber, help me out here."

Eberwolf extended his claws and talons, then used eye beams too find footprints leading into the forest.

"I'm not going in there" Darius Said,  before Eberwolf pelted him with dirt. "Agh! What do you think you're doing? You'll regret that, mutt." Darius complained and followed him.

Up on a tree branch, Eda and Raine appeared, having used an glyph. Raine was carrying Eda bridal style, and Eda was no longer wearing her boots.

"I am glad I remembered how to do that", Eda chuckled as the glyph disintegrates. They descented into mud. "Ooh, gross." Eda complained, when her feet made contact with the mud.

"Eda, Belos' plans are a lot more dangerous than I let on." Raine admitted. "He's preparing some big spell for the day of unity, but he can't do it without every head witch. If we can take out Darius and Eberwolf..."

"Say no more, Rainestorm", Eda Said, interrupting them. "What's the plan?"

Raine summoned the lute. "You say your curse messes with magic. I think I can make that work in our favor."


Darius and Eberwolf looked at Eda's pair of boots, as they moved into a puddle of mud.

"Looks like our traitor is a clever little
songbird", Darius said and the boots kick mud onto him. He growled angrily as he destroyed Eda's boots with abomination spikes. Angrily he rushed back to the broken bridge. "All
right, no more playing around!" He screamed and turned himself into a huge abomination monster, while Eberwolf summoneda rat worms, he rode on as the two coven heads moved out to search for Eda and Raine.

The two stood behind parts of the broke down ruins and watched as Eberwolf moved away from them. Eda turned to Raine, noticed how close they were and flushed a faint blush before turning back around.

Raine summoned their instruments - their violin and Eda's lute - and soon the two started to play their song. It was a sweet moment between the two; a pinkish aura appeared around them, making smaller objects float, until Eda's curse began to interfere.

The ground beneath her began to rot, quickly spreading out and soon finding it's first victim: Eberwolf and his rat worm. Soon, Darius noticed the rot as well and smirked as he began to move towards it. "There you are", he said, but grunted in pain, when the rot began to engulf him too.

The Dragon Witch (The Owl HouseXMale!Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz