Chapter 65: This Is Love

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Taleela's POV

He picks up.

Wherever he is, there is a flurry of activities, but he still picks up anyway. That's a good thing. I hope he listens to me because I am extraordinarily drunk and about to pass out.

"Jemmah," His voice comes. Soft and filled with so much worry.

"Kal," I say, and my voice breaks. "Kal, photos of me in the strip club back in Greece got released on the internet," Then I begin to sob.

"Jemmah, I need you to stay calm for me, okay?" He says. "I'll be at your apartment in less than an hour,"

"But you're in Greece," I choke back tears. "How will you get here in less than an hour?"

"Don't worry, my love. I'll be there in no time. Don't drink more than what you already have consumed, okay?"

I nod. "Yes," Even if I know I will drink till I pass out.

When he ends the call, I take another swig from the bottle before leaning back into my couch and thinking about how my life is already a mess within a week of Karanos not being in my life.

I have to admit, but he brings sunshine to me. And even if he was involved in the accident that took my parents' lives, he still loves and cares for me. And I know he hadn't done anything on purpose.

I was just too hurt that day he told me everything, and I couldn't hold back the anger and pain I was feeling when I realized that all this while, I was slowly falling in love with someone who killed my parents— or made my Dad swerve into the bush.

About an hour later, I am on my second bottle of whiskey and feel like I will have a terrible day tomorrow.

But when I hear a knock on my door, my head soars, and I can't seem to place where I am. I try to stand to my feet without staggering.

The knock comes again, and I walk to the door, holding onto anything that can keep me stable before I fall. Awkwardly, I unlock the door, and it immediately comes open. When I see who it is, I burst into tears and jump on him.

Kal's arms immediately wrap around me as he brings me to his chest. "Are you okay, baby?"

"No! I am not, " I cry. I think this alcohol makes me dramatic. "I feel terrible. I feel like the worst person to walk this planet, Kal. Why does everything bad have to happen to me this week?"

"Let me get you to your room, okay?"

I don't hear anything he says. I'm too drunk to place anything, but I feel myself being moved.

A few hours later, I am awake and on my bed. How did I get here?

I look around. I don't remember anything but the splitting headache that overwhelms me has me groaning.

Slowly, I turn to the other side of my bed so I can climb out and get some pain relievers and water. But my eyes hit a body. Sleek and muscular. Withering, I tap on the body, and it turns to reveal sleepy Karanos.

Frowning, I ask. "What are you doing here?" Then I immediately wince when I feel the headache bite through my skull.

Karanos sees my position and immediately stands to his feet. "I'll be right back with some pain relievers, okay?"

Karanos leaves the room, and I shut my eyes because I've never had a hangover as severe as this. It's crazy.

Karanos returns with a bottle of Advil and a full glass of water. Taking it from his hand, I give him a stiff smile before I take the drug.

Moments later, I am starting to feel better. Enough to give Karanos a look and ask him why he's here.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

I ignore his broad chest on full display and focus on getting answers.

Karanos sighs. "You called me, Jemmah."

I don't know if calling me by my name hurts because he never really did when we were on good terms, but I try to pretend that I don't care.

"I did?" I ask no one in particular, but he nods anyway. "I had no idea,"

"Now you do," Karanos says. There's silence for a long time before Karanos decides to speak again.

"Jemmah, I am sorry," He begins. "I know you're probably not going to want to be with me again, but I am sorry, and I want you to know that. Whatever I did over twenty years ago was a foolish mistake, and I blame it on my being young. But trust me, I never do shit to hurt you. I don't know how much it hurts to lose both of your parents in one day, but I know it sure hurts deeply, and I am sorry,"

I am staring at Karanos with tears in my eyes. His sincerity has me leaning up to wrap my arms around him, and immediately, his bare arms pull me close, and I feel him take a deep breath. Of relief? I have no idea.

Kal's POV

I feel so much relief when I see Jemmah's hard look melt. She wraps her arm around me, and I don't hesitate to pull her to me, feeling her soft body again and inhaling her alluring scent.

I have to tell her something, so I pull back. "Jemmah, I love you so much. I have to be the luckiest man on earth right now because you forgave me. I know things might be a bit hard because of your race, but I promise you, I'll forever be in love with you no matter what. Nobody else matters but you. With you, I decided to drop my whoring ways and focus on that one person that gives me joy,"

I've not seen Jemmah smile since I arrived, and when she does, I feel joy within my soul, knowing that we've finally worked things out between us.

I feel her soft, sensual lip on my collarbone. She places a long kiss there before finding my lip and kissing me.

I accept her kisses with all zeal, pulling her in and crushing her again. I can feel her taut nipples from her clothing, and I am immediately turned on.

"I've waited so long to do this, Jemmah," I whisper. "I thought I would never get to do this with you again,"

"Oh, shut up, Karanos. It's only been a week," She says against my lip while I pull off her clothes quickly. "And, even when I walked out of that door, I don't think I ever stopped loving you,"

"I love you, Jemmah St. James,"

"I love you, Karanos Nikolaou."

We ride to the sunset, feeling our love for each other pour out in torrents. For the whole day, we have sex; sometimes, Jemmah is beneath me, she atop me, on the couch, edge of the bed, table, kitchen counter, everywhere till we're tired.

Finally, we find ourselves on the bed, stark naked. Jemmah's hand is on my chest, and she's circling my chest. "How many kids do you want to have?"

Jemmah looks surprised by my sudden question. She leans up and shoots me a strange look. "And why is this question being asked?"

I shrug. "I'm just curious."

"Well, I've never thought about having kids. So, I have no idea,"

I nod. "I'd like to put a baby into you. Four times or more,"

Jemmah isn't smiling. She's giving me a weird look. I burst into laughter. "It's a joke!"

"I didn't take it as that," Jemmah said and slapped his chest before climbing out of bed and walking naked to her closet.

"I'd prefer if you were always naked. The best sight I've seen in years. You don't know how crazy you drive me."

"I know how crazy I drive you. That's why I know how to drive you crazy."

"Cocky much?" I chuckle.

"Yes, baby," Her voice comes from inside the closet.

I hear my phone ring, and leaning over, I pick it up. It's Linda, and I wonder why she's calling me. But I pick up anyway.

"Kal!" She's crying. Sitting up, I frown.

"What's wrong, Linda?"

"Dad had a stroke!" She yelled. I don't know when my feet touch the floor. I am already on my feet and putting on my clothes. "He was in his office yelling at Achilles and asking about you, and he suddenly couldn't move. Achilles came to call us, and he was rushed to the hospital. I don't know how to feel. Mum's crying, and she's also been admitted because she was catatonic at one point."

Oh, shit.

"I'll be back soon, okay! Try to be there for your mother. I'll be back."

As soon as I am done dressing up, Jemmah comes out of the closet. She has a worried look on her face. "What's wrong, baby?"

"My father. He has a stroke." I don't miss the look of pure shock on her face. The dress she's holding falls to the ground.

I place a quick kiss on her lip. "I'll call you later. I love you."

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