Chapter 5: A Second Strip

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Taleela's POV

Tonight, the club is bustling with customers as usual. The counter front is lined with customers requesting drinks. In the middle of the large room are tables set with chrome inbuilt poles, and a few other strippers are dancing.

Susan and I are standing in the gallery and looking down at the strippers.

Susan, brushing back her hair, turns to look at me with her porcelain blue eyes. "Are you sure he's going to come tonight?"

I look at her and chuckle. "I have no idea. Besides, it's totally none of my business."

Susan pouts and stretches to look below us. I am very sure that she is searching for the prince charming she stripped and danced for last night. Throughout today, his name hadn't left her lip. "I hope he comes."

Just a few seconds after Susan speaks, I spot two men walking alongside each other. They're dressed corporately in dark suits and white shirts with straight black ties around their neck.

The strobe light dancing around the club walls bounces off their shiny black shoes to reflect on the ceiling above them.

I immediately recognized the man from last night; his dark hair, great height, and build. What's his name again? I try to recollect.

Yes, Karanos. His nickname, Kal.

I don't tell Susan that he is around. I just watch him and the man walking beside him as they look around like they are searching for someone. I hope I am not spotted. From last night's ordeal, Kal seemed to be sincerely interested in me. I do not want that. I can be very strict.

The other man besides him is equally very good looking. He's a few inches shorter than Kal but towers above almost everyone else in the room.

"He's here!" Susan whispers loudly. She trots to the other side of the railing, and her black sequined lingerie shimmers under the light as she moves, reflecting on the dark walls like a supernova.

Then, she points at Kal? No, the man standing beside Kal!

"He's the one. That's him. His name is Achilles!" she says in an excited tone. That is when I know that my friend is totally smitten.

Susan looks at me with pleading eyes. Her eyes are brighter than they were a few moments ago, all thanks to Mr. Achilles.

"Can we go dance downstairs?" she asks. "I know we're meant to dance up here tonight, but Achilles doesn't seem to be coming up here."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I honestly don't want to go down there. I look at Susan. She seems really pulled to Achilles, and somehow, I want to know what would come out of her attraction for him. I am curious, so I nod and roll my eyes when she beams and plants a wet kiss on my cheek.

"Eww!" I cringe. "Lip Gloss." Then wipe off the thick coat of pomegranate-flavored gloss she planted on my cheek.

Susan laughs and pulls me by the hand. "I'm so excited to meet him and dance for him again. There was something about the moment we shared together. A tension that we both were aware of."

"You told me all that, girl," I say to her in reply, as we weave past patrons and avoid drunk men and perverts from touching our almost naked bodies. "Oh, good Lord. What has this man done to you?"

Susan giggles in reply.

In no time, we're at the base of the steps. I can hear clinks of glasses against the marble countertops and glass tables.

Loud sensual music is playing, and people are talking over the music in loud tones. At a table on the far end, a group of men is seated, watching my girls strip as they smoke pot and laugh over something I have no idea about. I have no business with that, so I look forward to where Susan is pulling me to.

Bluish-green eyes hit me, and I immediately want to turn and walk away. It's Kal, and he's seated at a table with just his friend and three empty seats. He's staring at me, and I feel like he's looking into my soul.

I just don't like the fact that he's so curious about who I am and the sorts. He should mind his business because he's staring at me like he's got something up to his sleeves that have to do with me.

Before we get to the table, Susan leans towards me and whispers into my ear, her mint breath blowing against my earlobe adorned with an oversized, round, hooped earring.

"His friend is really hot. Let's just hope he wants a private dance from you like the dude from last night."

I smile and nod. If only she knew.

We both walk towards their table, and once we get there, Achilles stands to acknowledge our presence.

Such a polite man.

Susan beams at him and goes over to give him a hug which surprises Kal and me.

Speaking about Kal, he doesn't even stand up from his seat to greet me. Doesn't even give a wave or contact of recognition. He just stares at me like I am a piece of painting in an art gallery that he is willing to snatch from a really heated auction sale.

"Achilles, meet my friend." Susan begins to introduce me, and I almost facepalm myself. She is going against our rules!

"Her name is Bells, she's my friend, and Bells," she continues, turning to me, aware that she would meet a pair of hazel eyes glaring so bad at her. "Meet Achilles; he's my…."

There is a long pause. Susan and Achilles stare at each other. From where he is seated, Kal scoffs, and I can sense the awkwardness between my friend and his friend.

Achilles clears his throat. "I am her spectator. A devout spectator."

Kal shakes his head. "Y'all, have a seat and a few drinks with us."

I quickly give Susan a look. She isn't even looking at me! Her attention is pinned on Achilles, who is whispering something to Kal, whose eyes are still raking all over my body like he hasn't seen me before.

Achilles then leans over to my friend and whispers something into her ears. Immediately, she nods.

Kal busies himself with opening a burgundy and pouring a generous amount into each of the cups standing on the table covered in a blood-red taffeta sheet. I watch him do this with fluid and wonder how expertly his hands would work on a woman.

I shake my head violently. I should stop these stupid thoughts.

Nodding at me, he hands me a drink. I am about to refuse, but I change my mind at the last second and stretch out my bare hands to receive the liquor from him.

Our knuckles brush, and I control myself from curling back into my seat. I think he noticed it, too, because he picked up his flute and leaned back to give me a smirk.

We haven't spoken verbally, but I assure you, we have communicated more than Susan and Achilles have. By body language, eye contact, expressions, and whatnots.

Achilles and Susan pull away from each other and pick up their flutes. They do not forget to clink cups. I look at Kal, and he rolls his eyes. So I guess that he's not a fan of normalities.

Once I'm done with this cup, I'm off to begin for the night. Jeez, by this time, I should be swirling around my pole and letting Normani's music slip into the pores of my skin. Not here sitting with two people who want to eat each other's faces and a man who stares like it should be a crime.

Once I sip the last drop of burgundy in my flute, I push back and stand to my feet. Susan looks up at me. Her eyes are glassy. She's tipsy, I know. She's a lightweight and can't take in much alcohol. I hope she doesn't overdo herself because I do not have the strength to carry a drunk lady home.

Heck, I do not even have the strength for her theatrics tomorrow morning.

"Thanks for the drink. I'm off." I say to no one in particular.

Susan smiles too much and waves at me. Achilles gives Kal a look, but Kal isn't looking at him.

He is staring at me. Like he has been doing all night.

"Off to where Bells?" he asks.

"Off to do what I do here every night."

Susan's eyes widened. Achilles has a smile on his face.

Susan then mouths at me. She looks like all the alcohol in her system has been cleared by her mere discovery.  "He's the one you danced for last night?"

I give her a slight nod. Kal smirks, his eyes holding something I can not read.

"We were together last night, and I would love to maintain that status tonight. You're coming with me, and you're stripping for me."

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