Chapter 58: A Week-Long vacation

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Kal's POV

"Oh my goodness," Jemmah gasps. "This place is so beautiful,"

We are just stepping out of the car, and the driver has gone around to the back of the car. He opened the trunk and took out our luggage. Jemmah's, actually. She had packed a whole lot for just a week's vacation. Women.

A duffel bag is all I came with, and that's enough for me. Besides, I still have a few clothes in here from the last time I was here with my parents for spring break.

The lawns are neat, and the house looks well-kept. Thanks to our old gardener who has dedicated his life to taking care of this place. He does it well.

He should. He gets quadruple the amount he's meant to be paid, thanks to my mother, who is annoyingly empathetic at times.

Jemmah is busy taking a look around and taking selfies. In one of her selfie sessions, she leans against me, and I smile at the camera before she snaps.

Jemmah is now standing before me and scrolling through her gallery as she smiles. Then she looks up at me, eyes twinkling. "These pictures are beautiful. Instagram worthy,"

I nod and pull her to me so I can kiss her on her forehead. I don't know why I feel comfortable with her posting pictures of us on Instagram. With other women, I had been careful of our social media presence.

I used to go on dates with ladies in the past, but I never was in any of their pictures. Though they were lucky enough to get a photo of my hands and shoes, that was where it ended. Nothing more than that.

But with Jemmah, I want to take a thousand pictures and flood them all over the internet. Tell everyone I'm in love with the most amazing woman on earth. I'm going to post a picture of us on my Instagram page.

"Sir, can I take this inside?" The driver asks me. I look at him and nod before I follow after Jemmah, who has decided to take a self-tour.

"Baby," I call after her. She twirls and looks at me with a cheeky grin. "Where are you headed to?"

"I'm curious about what the back of the house looks like. This place looks really beautiful, I must say." Then she bends and touches a chrysanthemum flower delicately. "I feel like I want to live here forever,"

   I smile at her. "We can always come back here,"

   She straightens and looks at me. "Really?"

   I nod.

Just then, Fernando appears from our back. He's a short old man who walks like he's young. I never understand. He's so old, but he's strong and can work more than many men I know are working in the factory.

He's looking at Jemmah, who hasn't noticed him yet. He doesn't like people touching his plants, and as he stands by the side to watch Jemmah, he has a stern look on his face.

"Fernando!" I call out. Immediately he turns to look at me and his stern expression disappears.

   "Young master!" He cries. Jemmah straightens to look at who just yelled. She sees who it is and straightens. I already told her about a gardener when she kept on pestering me about wanting to know what this place would look like. "You came."

   I smile at Fernando. He walks up to me, and we both exchange our signature handshake. Jemmah stands at the side as she watches us both.

   Then Fernando turns to look at Jemmah. He looks back at me and signals me with his eyes. I nod. Jemmah doesn't know what transpired between us, but I feel she noticed our body language.

   "And, who is this beautiful woman?" Fernando finally asks. His voice is thick with an Italian accent.

   I walk towards Jemma and pull her hand as she follows me to the gardener. When she's finally standing before him, he gives her a fatherly smile.

   "This is my girlfriend, Jemmah," I introduce him to her. "And Vivienne, this is my gardener, Fernando."

   Jemmah smiles at him as she takes his small hands into a handshake. For the first time, Fernando smiles genuinely, and it's surprising for me because he never smiles at anyone.

   "She's a beautiful one," He says. "Not like those ladies you carry around."

   I laugh and immediately pull Jemmah by the wrist. I don't want her to be filled in with information about the women I've been with.

   Jemmah turns to look at me and smiles. She slips her fingers into mine. "I'm so happy to be here with you, alone and out of the outside world. I can't wait to see how inside looks,"

   "Let's go in, then," I say to her and pull her hands.

   She leans against me as she looks around the whole place. "This is so beautiful. How much was paid for these designs?"

   "My mother did it, so I have no idea," I say, shrugging and remembering how my mother had employed one of the top designers here in Milan to work wonders on this place.

   It hasn't changed, and it's still as clean as ever. The floorboards are squeaky clean, and the original drapes on every window have been changed. I raise my brow in surprise as we both walk through the corridors.

   "You must be Mr. Karanos," A lady, bulky and round, steps out of a room. She must be the maid Fernando employed, so I stopped walking. Jemmah does the same.

   "Yes, I am," I reply. "And you are?"

   She bows and smiles. "My name is Nina," She says. "I'm the temporary housekeeper, and I'll also be the one making your meals,"

   I nod. She looks okay. I hope her food tastes the same way. Gesturing to Jemmah, who is standing in the near distance, I say. "That's my girlfriend, and you'll be seeing us both a lot."

   Nina turns and smiles at Jemmah. "You're the famous Jemmah St James. I know who you are. It's so nice to meet you in person finally."

   Jemmah gave her an award laugh. I talked with Nina for a while before finally leading Jemmah to our room.

   Her eyes take in the whole area as she walks in, and her hands touch the sturdy white walls of the room. The designs here are a mixture of wooden and off-white. And a very wide door leading out back is situated on the east side of the room. There is a lounge and also a pool, and Jemmah smiles and begins to talk about how she's going to skinny dip. And when I remind her that we aren't alone, she asks me to send the gardener, Nina, and the gateman on leave.

   That's quite impulsive of her, but I understand she wants to spend her alone time with me. So I do as she has asked. 

   Fernando is surprised, but he says nothing. And Nina says she is a bit disappointed because she'd have loved to serve us for the time being. But Jemmah doesn't care. She wanted us to spend time alone, and I pity Fernando the most. He is going to miss his plants.

   Jemmah lifts her box and drops it on the four-poster bed. She zips it open, and when she opens it, I peer into her box, curious to know what exactly made it very heavy.

   When I see a lot of clothes, hair devices, a big makeup bag, another bag that contains whatever, I'm so confused that I have to ask. Jemmah laughs.

   "Why are you surprised that I came with this?" She asks.

   "It's a one-week vacation. You should have come in four clothes or so."

   "Karanos Nikolai!" She spells out and laughs. "I am a woman."

   "But, you'd be naked the whole time. I don't see any reason why you should come in a lot of clothes." I say in a mischievous tone.

   Jemmah throws a slipper my way, and I catch it in my hands before it hits my forehead. "You know I'm telling the truth."

   Jemmah keeps laughing as she unpacks. I show her to the closet where she'd hang all of her clothes, and I'm sure her dresses will cover the whole space. I just sit back on the loveseat closest to her and watch her hang all of her clothes while we converse.

   I feel like we're already married, and she's just done with laundry and arranging everywhere. But Jemmah is not the type of woman to play housewife. It'll feel really odd if I find her washing laundry and cleaning the house.

   Once she's done packing, she zips back her box and gives me a puppy look. Ugh, what does she want this time?

   "What's it?" I ask.

   She comes over to where I'm seated and slides onto my thighs. Her soft buttocks press against my skin, and I feel my legs nearly give away.

   "Can you help me keep the box up there?" She points to the top of the wardrobe.

   At this moment, I'd do anything for her, so I immediately stood on my feet and did as she wished.

   Jemmah St James will be the end of me.

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