Chapter 54: A blooming Relationship

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  Taleela's POV

As soon as I get to my office, I flop into one of the couches scattered around my office. Even after having a decent meal, I feel drained from the events that happened minutes ago.

   I had seen Susan off to her department before coming up to my office, and honestly, the ride up here wasn't really it.

   I kick off my heels and bend my upper body so my hand can massage my sore feet. The run to the van had almost been fatal if not for the guard who held me up immediately. I tripped and toppled to the side.

   My phone rings beside me, and I take my time to massage my feet before I check who's calling.

   It's Karanos. He's requesting a video call again, and honestly, I can't complain. I love seeing his handsome face on my screen.

   I drop my feet back on the floor before swiping and picking up the call. My camera opens to reveal Karanos in another setting.

   "Hey," I begin. "Where are you this time?"

   That's when he falls back into his bed before donning his pillow. "In my room. I decided to nap before our date."

   I'm confused. Frowning, I ask. "Date? What date?"

   Karanos smiles. Have I forgotten so soon that he has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen?

   "I'm taking you out on a date tonight." He chuckles.

   "What?" I gasp before laughing. "You really want to take me out on a date?"

   "Of course," Kal replies. "Why do you sound surprised?"

   I shrug. "Maybe it's because our last date didn't go down well. It's surprising that you still want to take me out on a date."

   "It was a long ass time, Jemmah. We weren't even friends, and I was trying to impress you. But now, you're my girlfriend, and I want to take you out on a romantic dinner date."

   I can't help the blush that creeps up my cheek as he says those words. I'm grinning hard, and if anyone told me I'd be crazy about this man, I would have locked them up for weeks and forced them to take back their words.

   "That's so sweet, Kal."

   "I know how to treat my woman right," Karanos winks. "So, I'll drive to your place tonight by eight, so we can get going. I would have loved to show you a bunch of things, but that'll be for some other time. Remember, I'm returning to Greece in a few days, and I have to get prepared with my family."

   The thought of him leaving for Greece has me pouting, and I really wish I could relinquish my position as CEO of BSL to follow him. But first things first.

   "I'll miss you so much. I can't believe that in no time, you'll be in Greece while I remain here!" I cry.

   Karanos laughs. "Stop whining like I'm traveling to another continent. Greece is just an hour's flight to Italy, and I'll be flying here every weekend. So don't fret, okay?"

   I nod and give him one of my baby looks. The way he stares at me has my heart fluttering. "You look so beautiful today, and I'd love to stare at you without complaining, but I really have to go. I need to nap, so I don't fall asleep while driving us to our date venue."

   We both share a laugh. "And speaking of dates, where are you taking us to?"

   "That's something I can not tell you. Just dress up and wait for me to come pick you up," Karanos says.

   "Alright, then."

   "We'll see later, babe. I have to go now. I might pass out any moment from now."

   "Okay. Bye."

   The call ends, and I sigh, feeling really happy and excited about this date. The first time we went on a date, it had not ended well, with me walking out on him and ruining the whole thing.

   Look at us now. We are sharing moments and liking each other so much that we can't stay without communicating in any form. I'm greatly going to miss him when he finally goes back to Greece. I'll be staying here to conclude my degree since I have taken full ownership of this company.

   Deciding that I have closed for the day, I pile up unfinished work on one side of my desk, making a mental note to inform Nikolai about it. Then I pick up my purse and other belongings before slipping my feet into my shoes. I will take off as soon as I am in my car.

   As I lock my office with my key card, I place Nikola on a call.

   "Hey, what's up?"

   "Nothing much, just trying to reschedule a few meetings. The number of reporters is increasing by the hour."

   "Shit. And I already want to leave for home."

   "Where are you?" He asks.

   "On my way to the elevator that leads to the ground floor."

  "Alright. Before you get to the ground floor, I'll send the bouncers there so they can walk you through the buzzing reporters. Also, remember to tell your driver to rive around the city before you get to your apartment because you can be traced, and once they do that, your privacy is gone. You're the newest interest, and they want to exploit your fame."

   I sigh. I honestly didn't expect all these. Though I am used to wealth, I am not used to the toxic attention that comes with it. That's why I nearly freak out each time I hear reporters trying to ask me questions that I really don't want to answer.

   When I get to the lobby, I am relieved by the presence of the bouncers. They're stationed at the entrance of the building, which has been locked once again.

   I don't really like what all this publicity is causing. It's harmful to my workers' environment, and they really need to stop. I decide that I'll talk to Nikolai about it sooner than later.

   Once they see me, they acknowledge my presence with a slight bow which I wave off. One of them presses the door button and begins to rotate. I and the first security guard, first steps in and out before the second one follows.

   "Stay by my side always and look down to avoid being photographed." The bouncer who had come out with me warned. I nodded and thanked him quickly.

   Here, the pressure is getting worse. More reporters had joined in and were throwing questions my way as they tried their possible best to sneak a photo of me. But my bouncers are good at what they do. I am protected till I am safely sandwiched into my car, thanks to my driber who was quick enough to open the car door and let me in.

   Reporters follow, and like zombies, they begin to knock on my car windows. The bouncers push them off and signal my driver to drive faster.

    When we are finally out of the boulevard, I sigh in relief.

   I wouldn't have been able to get into my car if not for the bouncers that had come through for me. Nikolai calls, and I quickly attach my phone to the suspender that holds my phone and immediately connect to the Bluetooth speaker before picking up.

   "You're safely driving away, yeah?" He asks.

   "Yeah, I am. Thanks for coming through for me." I reply.

   "It's nothing. I have to go. I'm still busy. Talk later." He says and hangs up.

   In no time, my driver is swerving into the parking lot of my home. He kills the engine before I climb out of my car with my purse and phone. My driver reverses so he can park properly while I walk into the building.

   As soon as I get into my apartment, I walk straight to my room and into my walk in closet. I am excited about this date, and I want to look sexy for Karanos. He'll not be having only one meal, so I have to be dressed well so I can make his mouth water and his attention on me alone.

   I decide that I am going to have a thorough bath after going through my skin rituals. I want to smell so sensual and look the part.

   Once I'm done picking out an outfit, shoes, and a purse to go with it, I stand back to admire what I have just brought out.

   Deciding that I can use the remaining hours left to take a nap, I slip out of my office clothes, putting on a very large t-shirt before I climb into bed.

   I remember that I should have proper lunch, but something tells me to save my stomach for the date.

   I turn off my phone and place it on the bedside table, attaching the cord to it so it can charge.

   Before I sleep, I think about Karanos and how we had met for a bit. This is what makes me sleep faster.


   When I wake up, it's past six—the right time to start getting ready for this date.

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