Chapter 14: Hide and Seek

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Taleela's POV

   I know that Susan has told him that I'll be returning to the bleachers which is partially true. So, I make a beeline for the faculty's digital library, hoping he doesn't follow after me.

   I just have a hunch that he is following after me, I can feel it in my bones and honestly, I am quite nervous. That kind of feeling you get when you're trying to hide from someone. Exciting and scary at the same time.

   I bump into a few of my course mates who remind me that classes have been cancelled. And smiling at them like I have no idea, I keep making my entrance into the faculty building.

   The library is at the top floor and without thinking twice, I make for the steps. There are chances that I would bump into Kal in this elevator.

   I know it's just me being nervous and all. He might not even be following after all. But, I take the steps anyway.

   The whole faculty is empty, save for a few people loitering about; girls trying to get their makeup and outfit rearranged while giggling and talking about the hot models that have graced the show, a couple are making out by the corner and honestly, I want to puke.

   Romance annoys the hell out of me.

   I keep moving upwards, towards the gallery that leads to the hall containing the digital library. It's a long ascent, but at last, I am finally standing at the top, staring down at the empty area while holding onto the chrome banister. When I am done feeding my eyes, I turn and step into the first glass door leading into the library.

   I am greeted by an array of computers which is not why I am here. There is another door at the end of the long, large hall that leads to the traditional library. That is my destination.

   I don't fancy digital libraries. Not that they are wack or not to my taste, not that I am being archaic. It's just– there's something about being able to lay your hand on books. A real life book you can smell, feel with the tip of your fingers as you turn pages.

   That is why I frequent here all the time. Over the years, the amount of library attendance in here has reduced and this was solely caused by the establishment of the digital library which everyone now frequents.

   I like it, though.

   Less people, more space to do whatever I want.

   "Hey, sweetie," A voice calls from behind me and I turn immediately to see the old librarian, Cora, seated in her usual spot at the entrance of the library, behind her desk as she stares at me from her bespectacled eyes. "You are looking quite lost. Like you're in a chase or something."

   I give her a look of apology. I must have forgotten that that was her usual spot in my hurry to enter the library and shut the door behind me that I forgot about Cora's existence. "I am really sorry, Mrs Cora. How are you doing?"

   She shrugged. "I think I am okay. The library is empty, more good for me. I need to rest from these kids who break the library rules by being noisy and rude."

   I chuckle and drop my bag on her desk. She smiles at me and slips it into a large basket with care.

   "Why are you here, though?" She asks, leaning forward on her elbows. "You're meant to be with the kids, partying and doing that shit show."

   I shrug and lean on one foot. "I just want peace and quiet right now. I was there minutes ago, but suddenly, I want to be here, poring over one of Grisham's books. It's been a while."

   Cora nods and smiles stiffly at me. I notice that her hair that's always tied up in a bun looks darker than it is. She's greying all over, but today, her hair is jet black and sleek. Like she had a makeover.

   I wonder who is putting her through this stress and I smile, knowing fully well that she has probably fallen in love with someone again.

   This type of romance doesn't irritate me.

   Seeing old people falling in love makes me happy. There's this warm feeling at the pit of my belly when I see old people in love. Nowadays, all every young people do is fall in love for stupid reasons.

   I hear an escaped sigh of tiredness from Cora and raise my head in concern. "Are you having problems with anything? I could help."

   Cora gives me that sweet smile reserved for me alone; according to her.

   "Well, I forgot to get my regular cup of peppermint mocha and health burger from the cafe outside the school. My back won't let me get up for another walk till the day is over."

   Taking pity on her and still wary about Kal being around, I decide to just get this over with. Avoiding the lot would be quite easy. I could leave through the back gate and make a long turn to the cafe, get Cora her food and return the same way I came.

   "I could get it for you if you don't mind." I say to her, shrugging and lifting my lip to the side.

   Her eyes light up as soon as I mention helping her. She immediately bends to get her card from below her desk. She slides it over the smooth mahogany table and I pick it up with the tip of my manicured nails. "Thank you so much, darling. You're such a sweetheart. What would I do without you?"

   Already flattered by her words, I wave her off. "It's nothing, really. I'll be back in less than fifteen minutes."

   "Sure, honey. I'll be here," She calls out to me as I begin to walk towards the double glass doors. "Get something for you, too!"

   I nod, even if I know I am not going to get anything for myself. I decide to use the elevator this time. I am no longer careful about bumping into a certain tall, dark haired man. The whole building is empty and the only sound I can hear is the loud clack of my sandals against the tiled floors.

   Soon, I am out in the open. I took the other exit, the one directly behind the side of the building where the parking lot is located. There's no chance in hell, Kal probably has no idea that this area exists.

   I wonder why he's here. He's a really busy man. I know his company, how hard they want to work with BSL. He should be in his office, typing away at his keyboard or in a meeting with his client. I wonder how he has the time to club at night and attend a function during the day.

   "A cup of peppermint mocha and health burger, please. " I say to the salesperson when I get to the counter.

   In less than seven minutes, my order is served and I slip the credit card towards the cashier who makes payments and returns the card to me with my receipt on the card. I say a quick thank you and smile at a guy who greets me 'hey'. I have no idea who he is, but I still reply to his greeting.

   Once I'm out of the cafe, I look around the area to check if it's safe.

   Well, it always is. Kal should be at the bleachers by now.

   So, I decided to go through the main gate. The back gate is really far from my faculty and I am quite in a hurry to return to the library.

   I take that route.

   The sun is shining brightly. I should have come along with my shades and a tube of sunscreen.

   Quickening my footsteps, I walk briskly towards the main gate and towards my faculty.

   I walk around the columns lining the entrance of the faculty building and as I am about to take the steps, I see someone familiar standing close to the administration office. My eyes widen when the person turns.

   It is Kal, again.

   He's wearing shades, but I can recognize him even without his eyes.

   His razor sharp jaw and clean shaven chin, his full mop of hair he ties behind his head, sleek at the front like he applies gel frequently on it. His legs; his powerful legs that move like that of a model on the runway. Like he is stepping out of a fashion magazine. It has to be in his movement. That confident and never-may-care hitch in his footsteps.

   I have to hurry before he catches up with me.

   Acting like I did not see him standing there and looking like he is obviously in search of me, I hasten my footsteps.

   "Hey!" I hear his deep baritone voice call from behind me. "Bells, wait the fuck up!"

   I do not even give him a reply. I have to get to the library before he gets to me. I don't want him following me around. It's quite scary.

   That is when I begin to hear the incessantly tap of booted feet climbing up the steps, towards me.

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