Chapter 7: My Saving Knight

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Taleela's POV

I feel accomplished. Seeing him looking helplessly dazed gives me a satisfaction I can not explain. I revel in the way he watches me move my body.

Have you ever overdone things just because someone who catches your fancy is around and watching?

Yes, that's how I am acting right now. I wouldn't strip this way for a regular.

Note that he doesn't catch my fancy. He's attractive, I must admit, but he's not my type.

And he's a regular, too. I just enjoy tormenting him.

The music gets to the interlude, and immediately, I drop to the floor, stretching out like a python. I am straight, as straight as the pole I dance on, and slowly, I begin to lift my head, starting from my hair. Both of my hands travel up the bare skin of my midriff till I can not feel my back against the cold floor again.

I sit on my behind and split expertly, aware that he is drawing in deep breaths and wondering where he met me from. When I stand to my feet, I shimmy towards where he is sitting, working both of my hands around my body.

I throw my head back and fall back to the floor with ease at his feet. I twist my body and turn my back against him, working my waist. I know how good I am at this. I know that I get to him because I feel the brush of his knuckles against the skin of my back.

So, I bend forward and move my waist, wrapping my jewelry-adorned arms around his neck and slipping my fingers into his hair. His eyes close immediately, and he relaxes back on the chair, taking in a deep sigh of pleasure. I smirk, liking the way he is helpless.

So much for acting like an Alpha male a few minutes ago, back when we were downstairs.

I am time conscious and also aware that he has emptied his wallet on me. I smile in accomplishment. Once the music stops playing, I stand to my feet.

"It's all over. You can leave now." I say in a really distant voice. Like, I have no idea what just happened in the space of a few minutes.

Kal is slightly taken aback by my tone of dismissal. Without thinking, he stands to his feet and begins to walk towards the door leading out of the private room.

I am already sighing a breath of relief when he stops, his hands on the door handle. He turns to look at me before he speaks.

"Can I at least buy you a drink or two?" He asks in a pleading tone.

I shake my head, aware that I should be careful around this man. "No, I do not have such time."

Kal's hand drops from the door handle. He walks back to where I am standing, close to the table.

"Please? I know I shouldn't be asking for this, but consider the fact that I really want to talk to you because I think you are fucking attractive. Just a drink or two, and we'll call it a night."

I close my eyes and sigh, contemplating on whether I should accept his offer or turn him down. When I open my eyes to look at him, he has this pleading look in his bluish-green eyes that I find really hard to resist.


There's a look of relief on his stance. His face loosens, and he smiles like an excited teenager. "Thank you so much."

Weirded out by how frigging polite he is right now, I nearly roll my eyes. "You'll have to leave first, though. I'll meet you at the bar."

"But…" He starts, but one look from me shuts him up, and he strides out of the room, leaving the scent of his woodsy perfume behind for me to inhale.

Once he's gone, I immediately bend to pick up the cash he sprayed on me. I might take several minutes here, but I do not.

He can leave if he's not patient enough. If he does, I'd be a tad bit disappointed, though.

So, I quickly picked up the money and arranged the bills on the couch he just stood up from.

Wow, it's over a thousand. Christ! This is too much for a few minutes of stripping. Even my best customer hasn't paid me up to this amount. Anastis, the manager, would definitely be impressed.

I smile to myself and arrange the money before standing on my feet and going over to the other side of my room to get my tote bag where I store my clothing after stripping.

My high stilettos are sprawled on the table, and I pick them up and dump them into my bag before stashing the thick wad of cash into a purse I brought along with me.

I leave the room, not forgetting to lock it, and hand over the keys to Jason.

"That dude seemed to have the time of his life back there," Jason says to me with a tone laced with amusement and admiration. "I would kill to be him, though."

Then he begins to check me out for the umpteenth time tonight.

I find it offensive that he stares at me in such a manner, but I say nothing to him. Just a nod and an awkward chuckle before I hurry off to the counter where Kal would be waiting for me.

I wonder what he wants to talk about.

"Hey, Honey!" A man calls out from where he's sat in a private bar. I flip him the bird, causing his friends to laugh amongst themselves.

The man feels embarrassed by how I ignore him and I also notice that he is slightly drunk. He's on his feet and walking towards where I am standing and waiting for the crowd watching a lady dance to liquidate.

Aware that he is coming to meet me, I slip in between a group of people and a guy amongst them turns to look at the intruder with a disgusted look. But, when he sees me, the disgust on his face dissipates immediately into one of admiration.

"Hey, sexy." He drawls and I want to cringe to death. "You lost?"

I shake my head. "No, I am not. Thanks for asking."

Then I focus on trying to get to the counter. I can see Kal from where I am standing. It's so easy to spot him; mop of healthy dark hair, height and broad back.

Just then, I feel a hand wrap around my waist and feel myself being pulled away from the crowd of people.

Immediately, I turn, fully alert. I recognize the man.

"What do you want, dude?" I ask rudely.

"You know what I want." He leans over to whisper into my ear. His breath reeks of alcohol and I want to throw up. "And, I'll make sure you suffer for embarrassing me back there."

I roll my eyes and pull away from his hold, making a mental note to scrub myself thoroughly when I get home. "Fuck off, dude. You're drunk and you have no idea what you're talking about."

"What's going on here?" A voice says from behind me.

The drunk man looks at the other guy behind me. "It's none of your business, man. You can go about your business and not interrupt our conversation."

"But, she's with me."

"Well, right now, she seems to be with me. You're excused."


I make sure to move completely away from them. I am already developing a slight headache from just listening to them banter like kids.

"I am with none of you!" I say it out loud and this causes people to focus their attention on me for a bit of time.

I don't even notice the drunk man coming up from behind me. But I feel myself being pulled with so much force that I almost feel my shoulder blades move out of their position.

Before I know what is happening, thin arms are wrapped around my waist and I can feel the heat alcohol breath at the back of my ear again. I am already feeling nauseated by the mere contact.

"You're coming with me, woman."

"Leave me the fuck alone!" I say to him at the top of my voice. The other guy turns away like he has no idea who I am. But, the word that leaves his mouth as he turns doesn't escape my ear.

"Bloody slut."

I can hear it ring in my ears over and over and over again. And slowly, my blood begins to simmer to a boil.

Violently, I yank myself off the drunk man who already stumbled backwards and begin to advance towards the other guy.

I pull his collar from behind him. He turns immediately. "What the hell did you just call me?"

There is a sinister smile on his face as he repeats what he said. "I called you a bloody slut. What are you going to do about that?"

"You should try calling her that again. I'll show you what I'm gonna do about that." Another voice, a familiar voice that I already recognize from just a two-day meeting speaks up from behind the man.

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