Chapter 24: The One

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Susan's POV

"Hey, you look great."

I turn to look at the random stranger who is smiling at me and walking away. "Thanks!" I call after him.

I look around me. It's dark already, and there's no sign of my supposed date. I take a short rundown of my whole day.

I was meant to meet Achilles at this Bohemian restaurant. But I had no idea where it was located. It's got me really frustrated because I have been trying his number to no avail.

   Back home, Taleela advised me to ask Achilles for the address, but I was too excited to do that. I mean, bohemian restaurants are not as rampant as McDonald's or Starbucks. It'd be easy to find. When I got to the bus stop, I took a bus that dropped me at the next bus stop.

   Having no idea where to go or what transport to board, I decided to text Achilles, who was online. He didn't reply to my text after fifteen minutes, and I wondered why because he was online. I dropped another text asking him to respond to my text, but he didn't. So, I dialed his number. He wasn't picking up.

   Then panic set in. Why would he be online and not replying to my text? Why wasn't he picking up my calls?

   I waited at the bus stop for an hour; buses came and picked up passengers, and I was still standing there, wondering why out of the few billion people in the universe, I happened to be the unlucky one.

   An hour later, I decided to go home but I couldn't. Taleela had warned me to be careful, not to give my all. But I didn't. Going back home and proving Taleela right would break me totally. I don't think I'd ever drop my guard around any man if, really, Achilles was avoiding me.

   I would use Karanos visiting her as an excuse.

   But that would get me busted, and she would be mad at me for disclosing our house address to him.

   Then anger set in.

   Why would you ask someone out on a date and leave them hanging? Why would someone in his right mind do that?

   I decided to go into one of the pubs close by to have a drink or two while I waited for Achilles to give me a call or even drop a text, apologizing and giving reasons why he had decided to stand me up.

   Right now, I am standing in front of this cafe. I am contemplating going in and buying a cup of frappuccino while I look around and bask in the misery of being taken for granted.

   I check my phone for the last time to see if I'll get any text from him. I have zero messages. Smiling painfully, I begin to walk towards the zebra crossing where I can be able to cross the road.

   My heels hurt, and I walk carefully and slowly towards the road, but a familiar voice stops me.


   When I see who's coming towards me, dressed in a suit, I grip my bag tightly and begin to walk away, almost in tears.

   At this moment, I wish I was Taleela.

   Stubborn and Nonchalant Taleela, who would stand waiting for him to walk up to her, shut him up with a raise of her hand and give him a piece of her mind before walking away and never returning to him again.

   I can't do that. So I have to run. Run away from Achilles as he hurries toward me because right now, I might just break down and cry. I might just be unable to form words.

   I'm grateful that there are no oncoming vehicles. This speeds up my crossing to the other side. But before I am able to step on the walkway at the side of the road I just crossed, someone grasps my wrist, stopping me from continuing my walk into the cafe.

   I know he's the one, but I don't dare look at him. I am about to tear up, and my cheeks are red in embarrassment, so I don't want to look at his face.


   My heart melts at that instant. Whenever he calls me that, I always want to cave in to him.

   Why the hell am I a hopeless romantic?! It can be so frustrating.

   Swallowing, I blink back tears and turn to look at him. He looks as handsome as ever in his suit. I wonder where he's coming from. The strip club?

   "I need to go." I force a smile. Then I pull my hand away from his grip. "It's quite late, and I am drained."

   Achilles has a really sorry look in his eyes. I wonder if he's faking it. They all do.

   He moves close enough for me to feel his body heat. "I'm sorry, Susan."

   I ignore his apology. "How did you find me here?"

   "I don't know. I've been searching the hell out for you."

   I raise my eyebrow. "I don't understand you. Have you been searching for me? Why? What happened to the texts and the calls, huh? Didn't you see them?" I scoff and shake my head. "I must really be that unimportant to you. What a stupid excuse to give!"

   I turn and begin to walk away. I don't even bother going into the cafe. I start to walk in the opposite direction, towards the bus stop, so that I can take a bus home.

   I thought it was going to be different with him. Oh, I thought he was the perfect guy. Aren't they all at the first instance? How gullible of me to think he'd be my breakthrough.

   "Susan, wait!"

   I know he's behind me, but I don't stop. I do not want to stop. I want to keep walking till I get to the bus stop. Tears spill from my eyes, but I make sure not to sob.

   "Can you let me explain? Just give me a few minutes to explain to you. I want to prove myself right."

   Still, I don't stop walking until he pulls my jacket, making me turn a total of one-eighty.

   Achilles looks really stressed out. His tie is loosened, and the lapels of his suit rumpled. I take in his appearance but say nothing about it. I am too drawn into my emotions to say anything about it.

   "What is it? What explanation do you have to give." I ask harshly and against my intent.

   "First, can we go into that cafe and have a seat? We'd talk properly."

   "No, we can't. I'm on my way home, remember?"

   I watch him as he digs his fingers into his messy hair. "Please." He pleads, sounding really genuine. I honestly want to hear what he has to say. I want to know why he stood me up for hours.

   I agree. "Okay."

   He shows me the way, and I walk before him. When we get to the cafe door, he quickly pulls it open for me. I give him an unimpressed look while I enter the warm cafe. 

   I sit as Achilles goes over to the counter to order coffee. I am seated by the window, so this way, it's easier to turn away and blink back more tears as he shatters my heart with the news that he has found another woman.

   When he returns, he's holding two tall cups of steaming coffee. He hands one over to me while he takes a seat.

   "I ordered a sweet mocha for you. This was what you took the last time." He points out.

   "Thanks. Thoughtful of you." I reply tactically.

   We sip at our drinks for a while, then he drops his cup and leans back into his chair.

   "I lost my phone," He begins. "I think it fell off my pocket as I stepped out of my car. I didn't even realize it. I was in a hurry to meet you at the restaurant. When I got in, you weren't there, so I decided to wait and check my phone for any text messages from you. That was when I realized that my pocket was empty. I returned to the parking lot, and my phone wasn't there."

   I don't say anything in reply. I just wait for him to continue.

   "It got me bothered. Getting a new phone would have taken time, so I waited for you. One hour had passed, and I didn't see you, so I decided to drive to your place. You can ask Taleela. She was with Karanos. She said you hadn't returned home and left me with a threat, so I spent the whole evening searching for you. I even had to get a new phone. Your number wasn't saved to my Google cloud, so I couldn't call you. Karanos helped me get your number and said you hadn't returned. Why weren't you picking up your calls?"

   I immediately checked my purse to see if he had actually called. Ten missed calls and seven text messages.

   He actually did.

   Out of anger, I had placed my phone on do not disturb, so I wasn't able to hear my phone ring.

   I shake my head. "It's fine."

   Achilles doesn't believe a word I say. He leans towards me and takes my hands in his, causing a sizzle of energy to shoot up my arms. "I am really sorry, Sweetie. You're mad at me. No matter how you try to hide it, I can see it in your face." Then he looks outside. "It's getting late."

   "Definitely, it is," I mutter.

   "Karanos is staying over at you and Leela's Place tonight. Why don't you give them their privacy and come with me to my apartment?"

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