Chapter 44: It makes No Sense

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Kal's POV

I don't know. I should be mad at Bells— Jemmah. Oh, shit. I don't even know what name to call her.

   I can't stay mad at her and I do not know why. It's so hard to stay mad at Bells.

   My father, when it had been announced that Taleela was the CEO of BSL, had been so angry. Knowing fully well that we were an item, he asked me to see him later tomorrow, after the gala. My mother on the other hand was disagreeing with my father so she left without him, increasing his anger. Now, I am bearing the brunt of it.

   I should have known from the way she was acting weird, refusing me to see her till today, ditching the driver I sent to pick her up, and leaving me for some blond dude who posed as her vice.

   Seeing Nikolai present her to everyone, I know the bastard was smitten. I mean, who wouldn't be?

   Her dress alone when I met her in the lobby should have told it all to me. She was wearing a BSL exotic dress that cost two working-class employee's yearly salary. Deciding not to blame myself, I shrug it off.

   The noise from the gala is messing with my head so I decide to walk to the large, wide balcony. It's less noisy there and I can see the night skies. Clear my head and take deep breaths while I ruminate on all that has happened tonight.

   Jemmah doesn't even seem to care. She had talked to me like nothing had just happened and that infuriated me the more. But looking at it all now, I knew she did this for a reason.

   I am taken back to the evening of our first date. She had walked out on me when I began talking about BSL. It all made sense now. The anger she had felt that warranted her walking out on me, the days she had used to ignore me. It was all starting to make sense.

   I shouldn't have made that statement, right?

   Talking to someone I thought had no idea of my contract shouldn't have known how much I hated the executives.

   A soft hand rests on the small of my back and I stiffen. I already know she's the one. From her soft lavender fragrance to the feel of her hand against mine. I already know she's the one. 


   Turning, I stare at her. She's so beautiful but the idea of her being the CEO hurts me so deeply. But I quickly brace up, acting like I do not care.

   "Hey, Kal." She begins, her soft velvety voice conveyed into my ears by the night and sounding like music to my ears.

   Scoffing, I ask instead of acknowledging her greetings. "Why are you here?"

   "To talk, of course," She shrugs and I notice the cup of her dress shift a bit. She's cold. She tries to cover her bare arms to no avail. Sighing, I take off my jacket, wrapping it around her.

   "You shouldn't have," She says. I notice a blush creep up her cheek and almost chuckle fondly. I don't know why she likes to act like things like these don't get to her. I'm used to it anyway. I want to stretch out my hands and touch her face but I hold back from doing so. Now is not the time. I wonder why she's here.

    "There's nothing to talk about, Bells— Jemmah." Damn, it's going to take a lot of getting used to. I notice the small smile on Jemmah's lip. "Taleela?"

   Shit is crazy because I don't even know what to call her. She told me her name is Bells back at the club when we first met and Linda called her Taleela back then. Only for Nikolai to announce that her name is Jemmah. The revelation is maddening. I can't take it.

       "Yes. Bells isn't my name, Kal. Neither is Taleela. I am Jemmah. I think you should start calling me that." She replies, wrapping my jacket around her tightly.

   It gets confusing. I don't even know what to say to her and before I can even form words, I notice Nikolai coming to stand behind Jemmah.

   He clears his throat. Then Jemmah sighs.

   I smile, knowing my time is over. "Your assistant is here," I say, nodding towards Nikolai.

   The bastard is giving me a stern look. I do not fail to return it with a glare. He infuriates me. His mere presence does.

Deciding that I am no longer needed here, I begin to walk away from her.  "I have to go."

   Jemmah calls after me. "We'll talk later?"

   I shrug without even stopping in my tracks. "I have no idea."

   I honestly have no idea and as I get swallowed by the noise of the party, I try to forget about the conversation I just had with Jemmah a few moments ago.

   Achilles is standing by our table and speaking to my father who seems to be upset about nothing in particular. He has been this way all evening and with my mum absent, his mood just seems to be all over the place.


   He turns on his feet. "You were with her?"

   I shrug. "Yeah, I was. She came to me. But she's quite busy with her assistant,"

   "Dude is obviously smitten," Achilles mutters under his breath. He speaks in such a tone to avoid speaking to my father's hearing.


   I turn to my father. "Yes, sir,"

   "We're going to have a major meeting tomorrow. BSL has spat on our faces."

   I am about to tell my father that this is not the place and this is not the time. But Linda interrupts our conversation as she grabs my arms.

   "Bro!" She screams. "Taleela? Really?"

   Achilles and I dart our eyes at my father who looks upset that he has been interrupted. If he and Linda were still on good terms, he'd have shunned her and asked her to excuse us.

   "Calm down, Linda," I say through my teeth. I glance at my father and she immediately understands before withdrawing and going back to Susan who's speaking with Tarantino.

   "I'm leaving," My father says, standing on his feet. He picks up his phone and signals to one of his guards standing by the side. He follows suit after my father, leaving I and Achilles.

   "He's really mad," Achilles says as we watch my father stalk out of the hall. Linda is looking at him as he walks away but quickly tears her gaze from him, focusing back on Susan. "Bells really did us dirty."

   "It's Jemmah," I correct him. Achilles rolls his eyes.

   "Whatever. Are you guys still going to be the same way you were days ago?"

   I shrug. "Probably not. We're not on good terms, at least our company isn't. It's going to infuriate my father."

   "Then find a way to get her to award us the contract. That way, you can bag her and the contract," Achilles suggests.

   "She's not a prize for me to bag. Jemmah knows her worth and is ready to push everyone out of her life just to prove it."

   "She must be a really stubborn woman, then," Achilles notes.

   "Very. Very stubborn."

   We sip at our wines, basking in the silence. Then Achilles sits up. "Uh- oh. Allegra is coming your way, I think I should leave. Don't like her one bit."

   I curl my fingers into a fist and shut my eyes, waiting for her to come close to me so I can lash out at her, and transfer every of my aggression to her.

   From my peripheral vision, I see her take a seat across from me. She's smiling and I wonder how she has the will to smile even after being fired by her boss.

   "She left, didn't she?" Allegra begins.

   Groaning, I take a stand from my seat, wanting to leave her presence with immediate effect. "Allegra, I would really appreciate it if you mind your business and stay out of my life. You were just my plaything and will never be more than that. Get that into your head."

   I do not even wait to see her reaction. I begin to walk towards Achilles' table, taking the only seat left.

   Tarantino clears his throat and I ignore him totally. We're not on talking terms and everyone including Susan seems to be aware of it. There's an awkward silence for a while till Linda decides to talk.

   "So, there's this handsome guy from Peru. He owns a car racing company. He's Peruvian,"

   "You already said so in the first sentence," Tarantino drawls, sounding really annoyed at how excited she is. Susan indulges her, though, listening to her. I am too bothered to take it to heart and as she chats about how he's promised to take her around Peru if she happens to visit, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket.

   "I got an idea."

This message is from Achilles.

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