Chapter 37: The Gala Intermission

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Taleela's POV

D-Day has finally arrived.

   My penthouse is bustling with designers and make-up artists. Jimmy Choo delivered two absolutely beautiful pairs of heels; a champagne coarse glitter fabric pointy toe pumps and a pair of crystal-covered pumps.

   Nikolai, who arrived a few minutes ago, has left for the venue of the gala while I get prepared. I have no idea why he brought a spa team. When I refused moments ago, he told me that my skin looks sallow.

   "Ma'am, your dress will be ready in no time." Someone speaks from the door. I am laying flat on my belly as the masseuse massages my skin thoroughly. Looking up, my gaze hits a lady with pink hair and numerous piercings. I nod at her and lay my cheek back on the plush pillow.

   As soon as I am done, a towel is wrapped around my chest and around my hair that has just been washed. It's still afternoon but I have started preparations already. After a year of being away from Italy, I have totally forgotten how long it takes to be prepared.

   Padding my feet over to my living room which is now filled with hangers containing dresses I'll be trying out, people hurrying about and making adjustments to my dress, and the make-up artist and hair stylist waiting for my arrival.

   After my LED therapy session and intense facials, I honestly want to plop on my bed and fall asleep. But Nikolai will be mad at me for ditching the gala.

   Looking at the dresses displayed for me to choose from, I gush at how beautifully they are made. It took months for every one of my designers to whip up these dresses and tonight, I'll be picking one of them.

   I sit down, getting ready to be made up. The hairstylist starts on my hair. With instructions from me to give my hair a dull grey highlight, she begins her work on performing magic on my hair.

   Karanos calls when I am almost done with my hair. Signaling the stylist to stop, I pick up the call smiling.

   "Hey, pretty lady." He drawls.

   "Karanos. How are you doing?"

   "I'm doing great. You?"

   "Stressed out already," I laugh. "I'm having problems with picking a dress."

   "Want me to send one of my special designers over?"

   I immediately disagree. "No! You don't have to worry. I'm okay with making choices myself." I say, partially lying. I mean, it's I who gets to pick my dress even if I have a dozen people around to help me decide.

   Karanos called last night to inform me of his arrival in Italy. Apparently, Linda was with him and he had told me how much she begged him to let her come with. I find it funny because Linda has exams coming up next week.

   "Oh, alright. I'll not force you. Don't forget to give me a call if you get confused, okay?"

   Smiling, I nod. "Okay. I'll not fail to inform you."

   "So, I have to go. My father's designers have already come in and I have to test a few suits. We'll see you at the gala tonight."

   As soon as I hang up, the stylist resumes.

   In no time, I am set. I look really beautiful, damn. Peering into the mirror, I am extremely impressed by how delicately beautiful my makeup looks. The makeup artist outdid herself and I do not forget to express my gratitude to the whole team. Now, it's time to pick a dress.

   I don't know, but something tells me to wear a sheer red dress. I know how it looks on me so I pick the red dress hanging on the hanger.

   It took months for my design team to come up with this outfit and begin designing it.

   My gown is french, flowing behind me. There's a high slit on the side of my thigh hemmed with a silver thread. Though the neckline is plunged deep into my chest and shows off my cleavage, I think it's a very nice dress. It makes me look different and sophisticated and the bold red color matches the mattified lipstick I have on.

   Standing in front of a tall mirror, one of the designers makes tiny adjustments to the waistline of the dress, and another tuck in the strapless bra attached to the dress so it looks like I have no bra on.

   My shoes come next. I chose the champagne coarse glitter fabric pointy toes pumps and slid my legs into them one after the other.

   "You look breathtaking, ma'am." One of the designers complimented me as they all watch me catwalk to the other side of the room like a runway model. My confidence soars and I twirl around in front of the mirror.

   "I know, right?" I say in a chirpy voice. "The credit goes to you all for spending so much time creating this beauty of a dress. How about a salary raise?"

   They all gasp, eyes widening in surprise and no sooner than later, arms are being wrapped around me as they all hug me. I am in a good mood today, so why not spread the infection?

   They are the first set of my employees to know that I am the CEO of BSL. I know how hard it was for them to keep the extreme shock out of their faces as they prepped me up. All these while, they thought Nikolai was the CEO, and finally discovering that I was, they treated me like a Queen.

   By the time we're done, it's almost eight thirty. The main event begins at ten but before then, a lot of people would have arrived. It takes hours for guests to arrive since a lot of them would be flying in on that day. The rooftop is going to be filled with choppers brought by celebrities who want to show off. That's how the gala is every year; people arrive in the most expensive cars, with private jets and choppers and even a few of them adorned with precious stones to show off to other celebrities.

   Well, I am not in for that. I have something bigger to unveil tonight and I am less bothered about showing off my assets to someone who doesn't care.

   My phone vibrates on the vanity table and one of the designers brings it to me. It's Susan calling.

   "Hey, bitch!" She screams. I wince at how loud and excited she sounds. "Are you ready for tonight?"

   "Sure, I am. You sound really excited." I point out chuckling fondly. I had totally forgotten how energetic Susan is. She's been calm for weeks and I totally blame that on Achilles.

   "And you sound like this is a normal thing for you. It's how you act unbothered that gets thinking."

   I bark out a laugh, trying to conceal the fear in my voice. Susan doesn't know that I belong with the glitz and glam of the celebrity lifestyle. She'd probably die of shock when I made my announcement tonight.

   "Well, that's how Taleela is," I shrug. "Are you all set?"

   "Yeah! Do you know that Tarantino had one of his designers dress me up? Hell! I look like I am made for the runway. He paid every one of the accumulated bills and said he is doing it because I am a good person. Very funny reason."

   "That's really great, Sue. I'm so curious to know how you look tonight." I say, walking towards the door leading out of my apartment. My driver is already waiting outside and I am being led out of my house by two of my fashion designers.

   "Do you want to see a picture of me? I could send one right now."

   "Hey, chill," I say to her. "I'll wait till I see you. Heighten the suspense, yanoe?"

   "True, true. I really wish you were here. I'd have gotten Tarantino to dress you up, too."

   "I'd dress in whatever I have. I'm not there to impress anyone." I say, stepping into the elevator...

   "I know, Taleela," She says. "But it's the Elite Gala. The Elite Gala. A whole lot of celebrities would be there. You have to look the part."

   "Not to worry, Susan. I'm okay. I'll be fine. I am about to get into the car. We'll see each other at the Gala, okay?"

   "Sure. I can't wait to see you. I can't wait for you to see how beautiful I look." She gushes. I can hear Achilles asking her to get into the car.

   "Get your sorry ass into the car, girl." I laugh. "I have to go now."

   "Hey, Bells," Achilles' voice floods into my ears. "Heard you'd be attending."

   "Hey, Achilles. Yeah, I will. Can't wait to see you. Bye!"

   I am standing outside and the limo that would be taking me to the venue has arrived. The back of my dress is pulled up so it's easier for me to get into the car. As soon as I am settled in, the door is shut and from the double-tinted windows, I see my employees wave at me.

   The chauffeur starts driving and I feel my heart thump wildly against my chest as I think about the shock on everyone's faces when I announce that I am the CEO and founder of BSL.

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