Costumes & Seeing Double-Hermione Is Such An Icon

Start from the beginning


Lucius strutted down the corridor, his cloak billowing behind him. He had made sure to wait ten minutes before dinner had started to arrive. He loved making a scene, after all. He pushed the giant doors open and reveled in the silence he caused as he walked towards the Head table. Severus looked like he was trying to set him on fire as he sat beside him.
"What are you wearing?" He snarled out.
"Well I thought I would participate in the festivities!" He said coyly and had to hold back his laughter as Severus scowled at him.
"Go change this instant." Lucius would do no such thing! It had taken him two hours to get ready, he didn't know how Sev did it everyday.
"Well I think you look fabulous!" Andy snorted from beside him.
"Hey Sev, have you seen-" Sirius cut himself off as he looked between the two of them.
"Hello, husband." Lucius pitched his voice deeper as he called out and watched Sirius give him a wicked smile.
"Oh my! Two Severus's! How will I know who the real one is?" He said playfully.
"I already can't tell them apart." Andy announced loudly causing the students to laugh.
"How did you get a set of his robes? Severus is very particular about people touching his things." Sirius asked as he sat down.
"I have my ways." He replied. He wasn't going to tell them that he had hid underneath their bed for three hours before stealing a set out of his closet. It had been so nerve wracking!
"Lucius if you ever do anything like this again, I will murder you and make it look like an accident." Severus grumbled under his breath and he ignored him. He knew his best friend was all bark and no bite.
"Of course, my friend. Please forgive this mere mortal." He said sarcastically and they were interrupted by Colin Creevey running into the Great Hall.
"Drarry is coming." He shouted and everyone held their breath as they waited for the Hottest Couple at Hogwarts to make their debut.


"Harry, are you sure I look okay?" Harry gave his sweet husband a wide grin.
"You look better than okay, you look stunning." He cooed at him. He had always wanted to see Draco in wings and he looked even better than he had dreamed of! He was wearing a white suit without a shirt underneath. Harry had painted glitter on his collar bones to make them pop to match his cheekbones. Draco was wearing giant white angel wings with a gold halo perched above his head. He looked like he had stepped out of a painting.
"You look lovely in red, my love." Harry fixed his horns before giving himself one last glance in the mirror. He was wearing bright red bell bottoms with a cropped red t-shirt. He gave his pitchfork a twirl and made sure not to step on his tail as he grabbed Draco's hand.
"I can't wait to see everyone's costume!" He said as he beamed at him. This was going to be so much fun!
"Are you sure you're alright with this, Harry? I know it's the anniversary of your parents death." Draco stopped him and gently grabbed his chin to look into his eyes.
"I'm fine!" He reassured him. He had felt guilty when he was younger for not grieving his parents properly but Sirius had helped him come to terms with the fact that it was okay. He could grieve what could have been. They visited their graves on his parents' wedding anniversary instead.
"If you get uncomfortable, let me know and I'll have Herm call the whole thing off." Draco promised and Harry melted on the spot. His fiancé was always putting him first.
"Thank you, my love." He said softly and leaned forward to kiss him slowly. They finally untangled themselves to continue on to the Great Hall. They walked through the door as the students cheered.
"What a cute costume!" Daphne shouted from the Slytherin table. She was dressed in a black and green jumpsuit and had painted her top lip black. She was the villain from Kim Possible. How wicked!
"Brilliant, both of you." He shouted at them. They made it to the Hufflepuff table before Draco let out an odd noise. It was a cross between a gasp and a laugh.
"Look at father." He choked out and Harry let his eyes wander towards the Head table in search of Daddy Malfoy. He saw Aunt Andy, father, papa, father again-his thoughts came to a halt as he looked back and forth between the two black haired men. His father gave him a warning look that he ignored as he banged his hand on the table as he cackled. Daddy Malfoy was dressed up as his father! Merlin, the other man was even wearing a fake nose!
"I love your costume, Harry!" Susan raved next to him. She had dressed up as a Dementor. She had followed Chad around for two days to get his walk right. She made sure to wear roller skates so she looked like she was floating.
"Thanks, Susan! I love yours too!" Harry started eating the food Draco set in front of them as they discussed everyone's costumes. Professor Flitwick handed out pieces of paper so they could vote for the best costume. They were counted out as dessert was passed around. Harry was digging into some treacle tart when McGonagall tapped her podium. She had dressed up as a cat and Harry had to admit she still looked intimidating, even with cat ears poking out of her bun.
"The winner of the contest is Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood!" She announced and Harry clapped loudly for his friends. Luna was dressed as a fairy while Neville had dressed as a prince. He thought they looked dashing and had happily voted for them.
"You have to kiss!" Ginny shouted from the Gryffindor table and the students went wild as Luna dipped Neville before kissing him.
"Happy Halloween, children!" McGonagall said warmly as she sat down to enjoy the rest of the feast.

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