Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Allies and betrayals

"Just drop dead already you crazy woman!"

Inside the sound engineer booth the sound of battle is as live as ever. Three women against one man in a battle of the blades. The male wields a pair of twin war fans that is as sharp as a katana. Whilst two of the women holds a knife and one holds nothing but a fist.

"Who are you calling crazy darling?" Shinobu the head of the operation calmly said

"Says the man who touches woman for fun." Aki spurted

"Lets kill him." Sakura unexpectedly shows the dark side of hers

Like a well oiled machine, the three women coordinate their attack to weave in and drove the male into a corner. Douma kept on slashing with his fan blades aiming for every neck he could see. But each time he thought he had struck them, yet another blade got in the way of him hitting the target. They retaliate having the sharp fans knocked out of the equation. They slashed a few deep gash into his delicate white skin staining them bloody red. Douma now unarmed and injured backed up next to the wall right into a corner of the room with two knives pointed at him.

"Ladies, we can talk about this." Douma tried to persuade them

"Oh don't worry hon. We don't need to talk from where I came from." Shinobu came forth

"Stinger sama." Both of the other agents said in unison

"What can you possibly do to me with that small body of yours?"

"A wasp doesn't have to be big to kill a human." She suddenly thrusts a small cylindrical object right onto the male's neck. "All they need is the poison they carry."

Douma quickly knocked her hands away from him out of his quick reflexes but quickly discovers pain in his arm. He felt something rushing through his vain that causes every single pain receptor he had in his body to fire all at once. Slowly he drops to his knees with his head barely even lifted up. He took a final glance to see the woman smile in a gleeful manner, hearing her small giggle. She's clearly enjoying this. One last thought ran through his mind before it went out.

'This woman, is not a human, nor a demon, but a witch.'

With his head now fallen along with his limped body, Shinobu cruelly kicked the male in the head as she sees her formula had already taken effect much quicker than she anticipated. The moment she kicked the deceased male head, it got detached from the body almost instantly. The body melts away like a butter on a hot pan. The other two agents looked at it in horror (but also had a sense of relief) seeing their senior agent just calmly wipe her hands off of any blood she had got into contact.

"Well? That should put an end to this crisis I supposed." Shinobu calmly said

"Yes, I supposed." Sakura replied with an undetermined look on her face

'Damn this woman is crazy.' Aki thought to herself

"I know what you're thinking agent devil, so stop giving me that look." Shinobu stared at the aforementioned agent

"Gomen." Aki replied with a stoic face

"Well at least Rose is safe now."

"Uh, about that. Isn't that agent Rose up on stage?"

As Sakura pointed at the screen monitor, Shinobu were surprised to see a familiar face now dancing on stage with two male she had never met before. One of them she recognises as one of the secondary target in the mission, but the older male with red hair is completely unknown to her. All she knows is that agent rose is in trouble.

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