Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Rogues

In the darkness of the night, four individual are on a standoff of the centuries. Two of them armed with the real deal whilst the other two only have a tranc darts as their weapons. In a straight up gun fight, the twin would lose against both their suspect and a new player by the looks of it.

"Have you gone insane?! It would never worked!" Himari is against her twin's idea of approach

"Hey, trust my brain for doing what it was meant to do." Akio tried to convince her. "Stick to the plan and we'll be fine."

"Okay, here goes nothing."

Having established a plan, all they have to do is execute it. Himari uses her light footwork skills and run across the rooftops. Immediately some bullets went flying into her direction. She dodges the bullets whilst Akio uses the distraction to his advantage. He runs to the other direction to get to his vantage point. The plan is to split up so that they both can get into a position to capture both targets. Whilst they're focused on shooting her, he book it towards the female shooter side and utilize the hanging live wires in between buildings to his advantage.

He's now on the same roof as the gunshots still hasn't stop yet. His heart is beating fast as the adrenaline started to kick in. He aimed his gun towards his target's back with the finger ready on the trigger. He got a few shot out sending out small and fast needle laced with some nerve calming agent. The wind is blowing behind him boosting the needles to go faster, but only a few inches away to hit her skin, Kazemi jumped up and did a back flip pointing her guns mid air towards him.

'Ah shoot!'

She immediately fired shots after shots barely missing the male as he gets out of dodges. Genya noticed that the woman is not shooting at him so he quickly changes his target from the running female to the stationary one. He was ready to fire when suddenly he felt something stings his skins. He pulled out a prick and examines it. The moment he did that, his vision got blurry as his eyes is getting heavier by the seconds.

'Ah crap.' He thought before falling down

Now with the tall male out if the match, Himari could turn her focus to help her twin who is getting shot at the moment. She zips pass the fainted man and got her gun out. Kazemi noticed her presence and aren't gonna let her coming to close. She pulled out a submachine gun from underneath her clothing and pointed at her direction.

'Oh shit!'

Himari took cover as all hell broke loose. Bullets galore flying in her direction as she dived behind a concrete wall that was the staircase down. Both Akio and Himari are now trapped as the bullets rains down on them, until.

Click click click

Her bullets runs out. Noticed that the gunshot had stopped, both of them jumps out from their cover spot aiming for her. They tried to shoot out their darts but even they have ran out of ammo. They decided to chase the suspect on foot and get closer to her. Kazemi looked to both her side seeing that both ways are blocked, there's only one way left. That is forward. She back up for a running start and took a deep breath.

"Don't do it!"

"Desperate measure calls for desperate action." She said to herself


She ran as fast as she could and jumped off the rooftop aiming for the other one. She was flying for a second until gravity took over. The cold wind blew through her fingers and she landed into a window and inside someone's elses house. She looked around to see a family of five currently eating dinner. They all made eye contact with her as they thought of who the hell she is.

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