Chapter 39

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Chapter 39: Intertwined fate

"A cure."

Upon hearing his words, the entire platoon of agents went silent. Kiriya wasn't in the least surprised by this and yet he smiled knowing that humanity may survive. Yet there is still some in the crowd having doubts.

"A cure?"

"Is that possible?"

The murmuring from within the crowds of agents can't be helped as it intensifies by the second. Until Kiriya lifts his finger up to his lip signalling for silence. They all obeyed as Tanjiro approaches the master at the porch.

"Please elaborate." The young man simply said






"How much longer?"

Meanwhile down deep underground, a group of three consisted of two men and a woman are completely isolated from the world above. They are locked within the server room which essentially served as a vault of information for the fallen agency. Time became irrelevant to them as they couldn't tell how much time has passed-

"It's been about 24 to 25 hours." Muichiro bluntly spoke to the wall

"Huh? Are you alright?" Kazemi who sat next to the agent started to become worried

"He might be hallucinating. Granted we've been down here for a long time without food or water. Not to mention the amount of heat and radiation these servers are producing." Indra simply notes. "We need to get out of here sooner or later."

"And get attacked by them? I don't think so." Kazemi rebutted

"Why am I here again?" Muichiro asked

"For the 879th time, stop asking a dumb question!" Kazemi is about to snap

"Who are you now?" He asked anyway

"Alright, that's it." Kazemi stood up

"Where are you going?" Indra become worried

"I'm going out. Either I get beaten to death or annoyed to death. I rather choose the former."

Kazemi without having second thought simply opened the secured safe door that separates them from the chaos outside. Indra panicked whilst Muichiro remained silent as the door swung open. Kazemi couldn't believe her eyes once she did.

"Guys, looks like the monster got to them all."

"Nonsense. You must be hallucinating as well." Indra dismisses her

"No I am not! Was it you who knocked them out?" Kazemi questions the man. "If not then check your dumb reading!"

"You're seriously have an issue-" Indra suddenly went silent

"What? Find something?"

"The heat signatures for the entire building are all in piles." Indra said with shock. "None are left standing or walking. Somebody went through all of them."

"Didn't I told you so?" Kazemi did the 'I'm right' pose

"There is however one place. Someone is walking around the cafeteria place."

"Then that's our culprit." Muichiro stood up

"Huh? Where are you going?"

"The cafeteria." Muichiro simply answered

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