Chapter 47

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Chapter 47: Trigger or Die

(Warning: The following content might contain a trauma inducing and/or emotional scenes. Proceed at your own risk.)

"Might I introduce myself for the second time we met each other." He bowed. "I'm Agent Red Sun. From the ashes we came,

the sun will always rise to befell darkness."

Deep underground, the man is standing before a large screen with a familiar face glitches every now and again. He did not show any emotions, only a calm expression with narrowed eyes and gentle smile.

"You're quite troublesome to get rid off." Muzan's tone got a bit spicier. "Maybe should've stayed still from before. Killing you now would only be a lot more painful."

"For you or for me?" Tanjuro straighten his posture. "I've come for your extended warranty."

"For what exactly?"

"Your life." Tanjuro took out a slip of paper from within his jacket. "I believed you're overdue by 13 years already."

"You got some nerve. Nevertheless your pathetic attempt isn't working on me."

"You told me your goal would be achieving immortality." He went on. "Certainly trapped within a dome wouldn't fit that description."

"You don't get it do you?" The glitches intensifies. "Putting ones consciousness inside a machine is a billion times better than aging inside the brittle human body."

"I do not age with my body, so is my thoughts being preserved for eternity."

"So long as the machine are maintained. How exactly are you gonna achieve that?"

"Of course, I have my own ways. That of which includes you." The face on the screen contorted into a smirk. "Not you specifically, but your DNA."

Suddenly the ground shook in sync with the thudding steps of men marching out from behind the dome. Every single one of them had the face of Muzan armed to the teeth. Like soldiers forming a line, rifles were aimed towards him whilst he stood still. The men surrounds him urging him to move towards the center, which he did. Slowly but surely.

"I see you've been busy lately." Tanjuro noted

"These men are a combination of mine and yours DNA. Not even you or your fleeting little agency could stop this army."

"These clones you have, they aren't in the very least human. You are neither a human nor a machine." Tanjuro frowned. "You sir have fallen far from the grace of a gentleman."

"You think you're a proper gentleman yourself?" Muzan seemed to be agitated. "Lets see how much of a gentleman you are dealing with them."

Without being told, all of his own clones flicks the safety off from their rifles having their finger right up against the trigger. Not even the fastest cowboy slinger in the west would be able to gun down every single person before getting shot at. But of course, an agent wouldn't be one without a trick up their sleeves. Like a magician, a cylindrical object appeared in the palm of his hand. That object happens to be a speaker which contained a single song. The play button was hit and came along an upbeat music blaring at full volume.

"~Never gonna give you up~"


"~Never gonna let you down~"

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