Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Coincidence

Nightfall, the time when most people went home to their family's and rest after a day's work. For some, this is the beginning of their shifts or job. Particularly a few individual sitting inside a car waiting for this exact moment.

"It's time, as we discussed."


Three women disembark the vehicle wearing black attire blending themselves into the surrounding darkness. The place they're gonna be infiltrating are a warehouse that belonged to a suspicious company who purchased it not a while ago. Guards circling the building like hawks guarding their nest. One goes above the building whilst the other two went on ground level.

"Guards. They're everywhere." One of them whispered to the other

"We can't take them out one by one. There's too many of them. This is gonna be a tricky one Flora." Her partner spoke

"Hmm...... What to do?" Sakura thought for a second and snapped her fingers. "Got it, lets do get help."

"I beg you pardon?" Devil or Aki instantly snapped her head towards Sakura

"Get help. One of us carries the other yelling for help and when everyone got distracted, we both take them all down at once." Sakura beamed with excitement

"That's one of the most horrible plan." Aki retort

"Come on, you'll love it."

"No, it will only attract more attention."


"We're doing it." Sakura demanded


"Yes" Sakura kept on going

"No." Aki refused






"Yes- oh shit." Aki just realized the trick

"Aha." Sakura felt satisfied with herself. "Come on, not a second to lose."

"F*cking didn't believe I fell for that shit."




A quiet night at the warehouse. Several guards patrolling in groups of two. One group in particular was in charge of the front entrance. They were all silent and they all walked the same path for hours on end, not a single words was uttered by any of them. Their weapons dangling on their hip sways along with their hips. The silence in the night goes on until a loud voice broke it.

"Help! Somebody!"

All of the guards turn their attention towards two women. One running whilst the other being carried in the former's arms seemingly lifeless. Once the woman carrying the other stopped in front of them, the guards looked at them curiously.

"Help, I need someone. She's sick!"

"Hngh?" One of the guards was confused.

"Yeah." The "Dead" woman came to life. "Sick of you bastards."

The moment she spoke, the guards took out their batons. But not before the two women beat the shit out of them. In the end, they counted 20 unconscious guards laid on the ground in less than five minutes.

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