Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Operation Science

Arriving at the front entrance, a black Honda Civic rolls up to the lavish facility that it the Kibutsuji Science facility. A young male steps out of the door and look at the majestic futuristic looking building. But having trained becoming an agent, he suppress his emotion so it doesn't show on his face. At the bare minimum, he would show a smile almost constantly throughout the day. He enters the facility and he was greeted by a huge lobby with a robot assistant as the front desk itself.

"Good morning sir, how may I help you?" It spoke to him smoothly

"Good morning. I'm here to see Dr. Kibutsuji." He responded

"Do you have an appointment?"

"I was invited by him yesterday. He said to come at anytime."

"Dr. Takagi!"

A familiar voice suddenly echoed across the lobby. He looked towards the source and there he is. The man he's here for. Muzan walked in a fast pace and soon enough, they both are face to face.

"Dr. Kibutsuji. It was nice meeting you again sir." Tanjiro shakes his hands

"I didn't think you would take up on my offer so soon." Muzan cheerfully greeted the man

"How could I pass up on such an offer. Of course I would come here at least once before leaving."

"Oh? Why leaving so soon?" Muzan was interested

"Duty calls. I have some unfinished works needing my presence."

"I see. I see. Well, why don't we begin our tour?" Muzan rubs his hands together

"I would love that. Lead the way."


After having converse for a while, the two men went over to the door where it leads into a very long hallway that goes down steadily. Whilst he was given a legit tour, someone else is also watching from behind the glasses that he wore.

"Great job agent. Be sure to spot every single cameras and vents and point of interest." A vice rang into his ears

He only nods since if he responded, he could be heard by the scientists that was all on his left, right and center.


"Man, this job is tiring."

Meanwhile at the headquarters which is where The Rising Sun independence intelligence agency is located, a man whose jobs is to become the second pair of eyes and ears as well as their hands is currently monitoring a certain agent with red hair. He got bored and decided to take a break. He got up from his desk which has almost nothing other than a mouse, a keyboard and a holographic projector.

'I need some coffee to freshen up.'

He walks over to the kitchen where foods and beverages can be found. It's almost like he's working in a normal office but in fact he's handling an operation that could determine the fate of the world. And yet here he is, drinking a cup of joe while sitting on the counter.

'Why do I feel like I'm getting judged at?'

"Ohayo agent Merlin san. Still drinking that piece of shit coffee?"

"Whatever that keeps me going, Agent Volt." Murata replied


Name: Indra
Alias: -
Age: 23
Codename: Volt

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