Chapter 29

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Chapter 29: All senses clear

In the broken down building in the city of Sendai, two figure is currently trying to work together in order to disable the bomb before them. With the female grounded unable to move, it left only the male to reach the timer before it's too late.

"Hurry up." Aoi urges the male

"You need to be patient. It's not easy to crawl on here with these other shit dangling about." Inosuke rebutted

Inosuke knowing that simply walking on the floor poses a risk, so he decided to crawl on the ceiling. He didn't have any power to stick to anything, but he does have gadgets for that. Crawling in between the explosives as well as strings of ribbons, his senses are going off on a major level. A single one of these sticks drops and it might be over for both of them.

"You need to hurry up."

"I'm trying my best here! Now shut your mouth until I get there!" Inosuke shouted

"Why are you shouting at me?!" Aoi got annoyed

"Shut the f*ck up woman!"

Inosuke quickly crawls over upside down until he reached above the corpse of his friend. He uses the gadgets on his legs to stick and hold his weight as he dangles upside down just barely reaching the rigged explosive.

"Alright, now what?"

"Disarm it of course!" Aoi shouted

"How do I do that?" Inosuke bluntly asked

"A-are you actually being serious right now?" Aoi blinked her eyes in disbelief. "How are you able to do all of that but not disarm a bomb?!"

"Do you want to die now?! Is that it? If not then tell me, how do I do that!" Inosuke is pissed off

"This guy-" She holds her head in frustration. 'Calm down Aoi, this isn't your first rodeo.'

"Fine, I will tell you but, you must LISTEN to MY instructions. Are we clear?" She emphasize her words

"Yeah yeah. Come on now, we only have half an hour."

"Good, first step.........."




"How are we doing over there?"

Meanwhile on the high rise of an office building, a man and a woman are on a race against time to disarm all of the times explosive on the entire floor. According to the once breathing redhead, about one thousand of these devices are set up, but Zenitsu knows it must be more than that. A part of the reason why he's letting a potential enemy to help him disarm them as well.

"Got over 150 already." Zenitsu responded. "How about you?"

"200, still counting."

"We've only got half an hour left. Keep going." Zenitsu reminds her the urgency of the situation

"That friend of yours, he wouldn't have happened to be carrying something that could disarm all of these at once hmm?" The woman, Shinobu asked whilst her hand swiftly moves to cut wires

"I checked. He didn't have anything aside from that one button." Zenitsu replied. "Even if he did, he might not be stupid enough to bring it over here."

"These devices must've something to transmit their signals don't you think? Otherwise how could he be able to activate them in the first place?" Shinobu gave her thought

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