Chapter 34

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Chapter 34: Discovery

"Dr. Douma."

"What is it now?"

Inside his white and pristine lab, Douma who were in charge of the lab had his hands full as he's conducting a transfer of the human consciousness back into its hosts. As he was busy crunching some numbers, a colleague of his just ran up to him with urgent matter written all over his face.

"I have good news and a bad news. Which do you prefer?" The male quickly spoke

"Give me the good ones first." Douma joyfully said

"The um, young agent is at 99 percent. His old man is at 80." He sputter

"That's good news indeed. Then what are the bad ones?"

"The bad news is-"


"Well looky here." Two female entered the room

"We've got intruders."

Douma looked towards the hidden entrance that was meant to conceal his experiments, especially the ones as big and ambitious as the ones he's currently running. Though he didn't frown, nor panicked. He'd only smile as he sees the two intruders are only some pretty young women.

"Oh? What a surprise. Some women came to see me I supposed-"

"There, Rose! It's them right?!" Aki yelled as she points at the subjects inside the giant cylindrical test tube

"We've found them." Kanao confirms it completely ignoring Douma

"That's rude you know?" Douma quickly took off his lab coat

"Oh it's you. I'm sorry, we didn't get an invitation." Aki immediately recognises the male and so does Kanao

"You're always invited as long as you're pretty." Douma gave a courtesus bow. "By the way, seems like you've met me before, but I don't."

"Go figure huh?"

"Gentleman. Show these two the way out would you?"

"Will do!"

Upon his commands, the scientists that were busy just a few moments ago suddenly stopped and turned their attention to the two agents. Once again both of them are confronted with dealing over a dozens of angry scientists, but they already experienced worse.


"You got it boss!"

Aki took out her actual gun and started to shoot at seemingly random places inside the facility. Not a single bullets went towards the angry scientists that are trying to climb up the stairs to reach them.

"Hah! You missed!" One of them shouted

"Did I now?"

Her face shows a grin as she fire her last bullet towards the already loosen bolt that holds the entire place together. It hits and one of the large beam began to fall crushing many of them at once. Kanao dealt with the remaining stragglers as they made their way down towards the only man standing in their way.

"You two are skilled, I'll give you that." Douma compliments them

"Shut your mouth already. We've dealt with you before and we will do it again." Aki confidently said

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