Chapter 46

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Chapter 46: Resting in pieces

"We've cracked the exact whereabout of where the recordings were made."

Atop of a high rise, a man stood in the center of a sea of women trying to crack every single file that was sent over. He doesn't exactly belong in there, yet only they have the resources he needed to help his fellow agents.

"I'm sending the top ranks over." He simply said. "Good work agents. You may rest now."

"Can we? Until this is all over, I don't think we could." He hears a response

"It might not be comfortable knowing this, but you all did a lot so for now, get some rest."

After he had said that, he cut off the transmission to let them rest whilst he's still monitoring the situations in front of him.

"Blue-san, how is it going on your end?"

"Smoothly. Still my head hurts from what happened earlier." Blue aka Aoi held her tablet close to her chest whilst holding her temple to stop the dizziness

"Oi Merlin." A male figure approaches the male handler. "Where are you sending us to?"

"To the remote forest. Near the border of Fukushima prefecture." He sends over a location tag to the male. "That's where Muzan's base will likely be."

"Didn't they reported that he's dead? Couldn't we just send a recovery team to scour the remnants?"

"Will all due respect agent Kaze. Muzan is known to be able to transfer his mind into another body. Not to mention he has been observed to have clones of himself." Murata turned towards the male. "I haven't fought him myself, but you did along with several others yes? You can judge it yourself then how strong this man really is and what he's capable of."













"So is that it?"

Back at the Kibutsuji Foundation Tower, the agents who had gone through it all it seems stood still as they looked at each other. Being ordered to rest is not exactly foreign nor it was uncommon. But considering the current situation, they felt as if they couldn't afford to. The men stares at each other before one of them breathe out a sigh.

"Well, we've got our orders." Axel walk over to one of the white walls to lean against

"Take it easy Red." Zenitsu gets off from the terminal. "You're still exhausted from the fight earlier right?"

"Compared to you, I only did a fraction of the work. I'm the one who should've said that to you." Tanjiro began to walk back upstairs

"What is he on about?" Inosuke who remained on the sideline spoke up

"Leave him be. We should get some shut eyes." Zenitsu suggested

Whilst the men began to wind down for the night, the ladies are still having conversation with the higher ups. Mainly Kanao still remain contact since Aki had already excuses herself to get some rest.

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