Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: The hunt

In the country of the sun, normal people spends their daily lives doing what they do everyday. Living their life in peace, but peace are only kept whenever there are no conflict. Though behind the unknowing eyes of the public, a cold war as the nation is on the brink of a real war. Three individuals went to three major cities, all to greet the same redheaded figure in the shadow. For the same reason, another group of three figures splits up to the three city as well. Six individuals, one ghost. The hunt has begun.

'Where do I begin?'

For one figure, in the city of Sendai all things considered, this would be her second time in the field. As a mission handler, she would usually sit on her desk watching over missions providing support when necessary. Not only does she got no support, if she has to resort to violence as a last means of defence, the gun is always ready to be fired.

'From the picture alone, I can tell he's right around this area.' She scoped the tall buildings and found one that looked like it was abandoned. 'Real estate around here are very high, to even see something like this being abandoned. It's not that long ago since it was last occupied.'

Having a hunch about the building, she went around the back into the alleyway where it's hidden away from public eyes. With only one door and a fire escape, there's not much place for the male she's hunting to escape.

Using her lock picking skills, she got through the door easily and gains entry. If the exterior look didn't gave it away, the place has definitely seen better days. Rat's excrement lying around, the stench is almost unbearable. To think someone would choose this place as their hideout, but of course this would be the perfect place for an undercover spy to hide. She wanders around the halls and finally made her way to the front.

'This place seems familiar.' She thought

"Welcome miss, to the bakery."

Jumped by the sudden voice, she turns her head towards one of the tables and her eyes glued to a male figure sitting in one of them. She remains calm as she approaches the male cautiously.

"Do you know who I am?" She asked the redhead

"Of course I do." He quickly answered

"Then you know why I'm here." She continues

"I presumed. For me right?" He said with a grin

"For a former spy, you're damn good. But seemed like you just got a little bit sloppy." She commented

"Sloppy? I never thought to hear that word in my line of work. A spy is never sloppy, if they appeared to be, they did it with intention." He stares into her blue coloured orbs. "Your training should've taught you that?"

"Enough with the ramblings. Your very existence poses a risk to the civilians out there."

"Is that so? Then why don't we put that to the test." He pushed a button and Aoi took her stance. "Don't move now, or we will be blown to bits."

As she froze in place, she hears the sound of a device beeping at a stead interval. She looked up and a massive amount of explosive hanging in the air waiting to explode. In the hand of the redhead was another one, only this one has a timer. On it shows that she has only 1 hour left before it will explode.

"The floor you stepped on was a pressure plate. It can only get heavier but it can't be any lighter. Risk yourself lifting even one foot and we both will go out on a bang." The male simply explains

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