Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: Truce?

"Well, looks like the ticking has stopped."

In the tall high rise, a woman and a man stood still with the woman holding a button in her hand. They had just completed a makeshift device that could disarm the countless of explosives. When it fired, the room went silent. They didn't know whether if it was the device they made or something else had saved them, but surely enough they are safe. At least that's what they both thought.


"Have you reconsidered on my offer yet young man?" A sweet innocent smile forms on the woman's face

"Let me see....." The male knows her true intention behind that deadly smile. "How about this."

Zenitsu throws a canister towards the female agent and she kicked it towards the side. A puff of smoke covers her vision as she couldn't see anything in front of her. Although visibility is low, Zenitsu could predict her next movement using his heightened sense of hearing. The moment he hears her heartbeat and footsteps rushing towards him, he quickly dodge out of the way and when he did he noticed a sharp blade whipping by him.

'How peculiar.'

The blade he encountered were no ordinary ones. Only near the tip of it were sharpened whilst the rest are nothing but a dulled stick. It was a weapon designed for piercing its target rather than slicing them. Not wanting to find out the consequence of getting stabbed, he dodged her strikes numerous of times until the smoke cleared up. Only then he could finally see the wielder wielding her weapon with such accurate precision.

"I would take it more seriously if I were you. The poison in my blade are enough to paralyze an elephant." She grinned. "No more petty tricks."

"Yeah, seems like you're finally showing your true colour." He grinned

The agent known as stinger or Shinobu, hence her real name only stood there with her hands fidgeting around the hilt. Zenitsu stood across the room at a distance being wary of her movements. The moment he notice her spiked up heart rate, he press a hidden button on his palm and the ground between them suddenly were electrified. He understood how fast she were, but it doesn't matter cause no man were faster than lightning.

"How- dare, you!" Shinobu strained as her whole body is going through a seizure

"It won't be long before the effects wears off. After all, we gentleman won't harm a lady if we don't have to." Zenitsu turns around. "Sayonara."

Zenitsu with quick haste made his way towards the service elevator where he came in. Once he's inside, he choses the ground floor. He waits for the door to close and from a distance he could hear the woman's footsteps already running for him. He didn't do anything about it as the door finally closed and a loud bang were heard coming from the other side of the door.

'Still chasing after me eh?' He grinned whilst pressing each button to each floor. 'No matter, she won't be able to find me at this rate.'

'At least for now.'




"Did, the device stopped?"

Meanwhile in the old rundown bakery, a man is hanging upside down from the ceiling with wires tangled up on him like he's part of the decorations. He had been following the instructions from a young woman trying her best to stand still. The moment he was about to cut the last wire, the timer suddenly stopped and it shut down. This alone made the man, Inosuke felt a bit suspicious.

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