The end

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Everything is dark, a complete void. Yet somehow there's the sound of footsteps tapping onto a wooden floor. It echoes around the void until the noise stops. A light went on, it moves around in the dark until it lands onto a figure.

"Greetings audience. I hoped everyone has enjoyed reading our story."

"Once again we have reached the end of yet another story. You might be wondering, what is this place?"

"Well you're about to find out."

Suddenly numerous sound of clicking can be heard and the stage was lit up. Red curtains lined up the back whilst the wooden semicircle stage stands out at the front. The man who stood on stage wore a black tux with a black bowtie to complete his look. He looked around the auditorium where this stage is built.

"I supposed an introduction is in order." The male put one of his hand over his chest. "My name is Matsuoka Tatsuo. I played as "Tatsuo" in the story. I'll be your host for tonight."

"You're taking too long Tatsuo." Suddenly another male steps onto the stage looking very similar to Tatsuo. "The audiences are gonna lose interest at this rate."

"Ah, perfect timing. Everyone, this is Matsuoka Wanrou. He played as "The Book Keeper" and of course some of you might already knew this, he's my brother."

"Hai hai. Get on with it."

"Can you at least greet the audience brother?"

"Ha...." The older male gave up. "Greetings. You can call me Wan for short."

"Fantastic! Then lets get going shall we?" Tatsuo cheerfully said

"Today we've brought in the cast themselves, but it seemed like the main casts are unable to join us unfortunately. So instead lets welcome the OC casts!"

The audience began to clap as the red curtains unveils a line of familiar faces. Most of the males wears black tux whilst the females wore some stunning dresses.

"Welcome everyone. Would you mind introduce yourselves?" Tatsuo gestured at them

"Don't mind if I do." A man wearing a blue and black leather jacket stepped up. "Yo, the name is Meng Sikanu. I played as "Night Hunter". Nice to meet you."

"Great! Next please."

"Axel Shepherd. Played as "Agent Shark". Pleased to meet you."

"Hi, my name is Cho Miyamoto. I was given the role as "Agent Darklight". Nice to meet you all!"


All heads turned towards the source of the voice. It turns out Meng couldn't help but snicker as if mocking a certain someone.

"Um, continue please." Tatsuo quickly ignores him

"Uh, hello. My name is Miyu Sasaki. I played as "Agent Blue light". It's a pleasure to be here."

"HeIIo, Indra is my name. I played as "Volt" as in the handler not measurement. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you all. I'm the fugitive "Shadowind" Kazemi Sasaki!"

"Hi. My name is Hayashi Sakura. I played as "Agent Flora"."

"Aki Yamamoto. "Agent Devil". Nice to meet ya."

"Akio Takahashi."

"Himari Takahashi."

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