Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Faith in the cold winds

The battle for the freedom of humanity had not ended just yet. It has only begun as a certain redheaded male stood on the same ground as his opponent. A man who he had not known before he got the mission, a sense of hatred is flowing through his blood. He can't forgive him, he wouldn't. For he was the one who had killed his family.

"Being the kind gentleman you are, how did you find yourself meddling into this world may I ask?" Muzan opens a question

"Through both my parents in the middle of the night. Why? Did you expect me to say something else?" Tanjiro fixes his tie and suit

"I was just wondering. The world as we know it is dying. And I have the solution, a method to be precise. All you do is just getting in the way of the future of mankind." Muzan frowned. "I'm just merely making the world a better place."

"If your world involves people having no rights to their freedom, I'm afraid we're not living in the same world."

"That's right, because you'll be dead before you get to see it."

Muzan goes for the first move as he was suddenly armed, literally with eight additional robotic arm sprawling on his back. Each one has a blade on each end, sharp enough to cut someone's head clean off their shoulder. The young agent grab hold onto the staff he had dropped before knowing his dull stick will be defeated by a bunch of deadly blades. Tanjiro spun his staff to warm himself up for the battle ahead.

No word need to be said between them as Muzan had clearly took the first step. The eight arms extends its reach far and wide going for the target. The young but quite experienced agent skillfully dodges and deflect all of the blades that was coming for his way. Gracefully the blades went in between him as he was twisting in mid air and landed back on his feet.

"You're quite agile even after getting hit many times."

"A gentleman is always light on his feet." Tanjiro responded

'What tricks do you employ?' Muzan wonders

'What are your weakness?' Tanjiro questions


"Come on darling. That's all you got?"

Meanwhile inside the sound engineers room, two thug looking men ate fighting against a single lady who is well trained to defend herself. Even with them both trying so desperately to grab the woman, she was proven to be more of a challenge than what they have initially thought.

"My you are a lot agile with that body of yours." The man named Douma was pleasantly shocked

"And doing it all inside a suit. What kind of suit you're wearing lady?" Gyokko which was assigmed with Douma added

"What can I say, my agency is a wonder when it comes to deal with gentlemen like you."

"What can you tell from a gentleman like me? I'm curious." Douma provoked

"Then let me give you a personal message then."

Kanao cracked both her hands before charging straight for the male in questions. Douma dodges her at first but she caught part of his clothing and uses him to swing herself around and plant a knee onto his back. The force caused his entire body to shift forward making him lose balance and fell on both knees. In the spur of the moment, she grab hold of the gun Douma had stored inside his holster and aimed it towards the other unsuspecting male. She unloads the content making several holes in the torso and a single one in the head with the last bullet in the magazine.

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